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Learn to play the guitar
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I'd like to take actual guitar lessons someday, but, for now, I've begun working my way through a 143-page lesson book for beginners. Since I already know how to read music, I just need to focus on learning how to play the notes and chords. So far, I've learned about one octave of notes, which is only 8 notes, but it's a start.
I've finished the first course (beginner grade 1) on justinguitar.com. I'm actually very happy because I've consistently practiced 4x20min each week for the last 9 months and rarely neglected it, it's a habit now. I'll change to ukulele for the remainder of this challenge
Learned G, C and D major.
Take the intro to guitar course
Brett gave me a guitar and I've been going through the book I got when I started trying to learn Mom's guitar. I think I'm going to have to clip my fingernails on my left hand in order to play the chords. Boo. Guess I'll have to quit playing for a few weeks before the wedding.

2014-7-27 I'm halfway through Mel Bay's Grade 1 book and I just put Grade 2 on my wishlist. I can play several major chords (A, B, C, D, E, F,G, Am, Bb, Cmaj7, Dm, D7, Em, G7) and a few others when I have the chord diagram in front of me. My best songs are ones that have the chords close, so I don't have to move that far too fast. Little Big Town "Boondocks", George Gershwin "Summertime", and Norah Jones "Come Away with Me" are ones I can do pretty well right now.
I got a guitar a couple of birthdays ago and started with gusto but this petered off and now I haven't played it in a long time. So I've started simple, going over the very basics with the little girl I babysit for's beginner's guitar book and her kiddie size pink guitar after she's gone to sleep! So far so good - I will get chord changes down this time.
First step to learning - have a guitar :)
Got my guitar
Tried and failed, I do not have the patience
I will have to play guitar each day for at least half an hour.
Committed to lessons. Now just have to commit to the practice
learnt open chords... bar chords, strumming and finger style still left.
bought a guitar and have started a few lessions i found online.
More lessons, moremoremore!
Did a beginners guitar course
Got a guitar on 17/08/2011 from Jesse