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On 898 lists and 347 people have done it.
I got the job! Start 5/1!
Had my first real interview at Aha! today! It was great, though I don't know if I did particularly well. It feels good to get out there and flex the muscles... it's been more than a week since I started job hunting, so having an interview feels good!
Progressing to final round of interviews!
I resigned from my job as an elementary school paraprofessional and accepted a position as a progress note assistant and peer support specialist at a local mental health nonprofit, as well as the opportunity to be trained as center director. I start in two weeks.
My mind lives in hell.
This job is driving me insane.
Started new job 18.05.21 at xpo
Due to Corona-Virus I will now start at July, 1st
signed my contract yesterday and will start a new job on April, 1st
New job, similar industry... but it was time for a change and I'm so excited!
Formally accepted an offer today! I'm incredibly excited and so glad to mark this as Done!
I have a second interview this week with a library in Vermont. It's going to be awesome - it's a full day spending time at the library and meeting people around town, and it feels like it will be more an immersion than an interview. It's also one of the best libraries in the state! Feeling confident and hopeful.
Sept- konsultant
New contract. New job. Still software developer.
Lucky's Market South Boulder
Malmö Opera, season 2016/17
Finally Joined Accenture. Its been about 1 year since I'm here. The best company that I have worked for yet.
Currently applying for jobs and contacting agencies.

Received at least 8 agency calls within one and a half weeks of searching.
As of February 15th 2016 I will be starting a new job. It's been a long time coming and I'm ao relieved and ready to go.
It took 2 years of not having a job...but so thankful and happy to finally be working again!
I can't believe I'm adding this to my "Done" list!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! got a new job, started 3 months ago
Max got a new job way earlier, but I finally am now employed again!
3/28/13 - Publix Bakery Interview

1/27/14 - Florida Eye Institute Interview

2/20/14 - Started job at Florida Eye Institute!
Started at Florida Eye Institute - 2/20/14
Online Marketing/SEO at H&N (Part-Time)
Asda called, got the job!

Publix Bakery Interview - 3/28
It's not a new job, but I have become fully employed in my current position! 3/8
Got a promotion at LGW
DONE! 26 March. I'm going to DoD
(That pays better than my current one.)
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Will start new job 2/6/12
Congrats to me *pats myself on the back*
I have a new job as a Quantitative Analyst working for Haven Energy, starting in January next year.
Official start date as Instructional Technology Facilitator for Granville County Schools = 1/20/2012
Started 2/6/12 at MC as an ESS worker!
Ik begeleid nu een autistische jongen en ik ga een meisje met een hechtingsstoornis begeleiden :)
Got a call from Panera (which I applied to several months ago) asking for an interview and got the job on the spot!