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Try sushi
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On 482 lists and 449 people have done it.
had a sushi roll at Eez. It was just a crab meat roll with tuna on top and avocado and fresh jalapeno slices. NO seaweed, it was a soy paper wrap.
Well, I tried but it was not a big success. Think I might need to try it again in a few years.
Had my first sushi dinner August 24th in Boston. It was so good!
Managed to tick this one off last night completely my surprise! I was babysitting and they had made some so thought I'd give it a try. Not really sure what I was expecting it to be like but it was okay - think I need to try it a couple more times to get a proper feel for it :)
First Sushi ever!
Albacore sushi, scallop sushi, crab roll, avocado roll and tempura roll....all was delicious!
Tried it at Dads Ultimate Buffet on April 21. Found it horrendous. Thanks for the experience, Japan, but for now I'll stick to animes and hentai, thank you very much. :X
29.09.2012 in Turin
August 2012 - success!
Ok, Sushi. You win sucker. I have been avoiding you for years. I do not think I like you, for the simple fact that I have not given you a chance. Now is your time to prove me wrong. You may or may not be the last one crossed off of this list.
pretty good n not some good at some point.
KoFusion NYE 2011 with Courtney Geidel
I did not like that. At all.
Not that bad...although not that good either.