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Identify 100 things that makes me angry/annoyed
Take your time and reflect on your daily experiences, jotting down any instances that trigger negative emotions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they may be.
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Love It!
On 205 lists and 13 people have done it.
1 - People cutting me off when driving.
2 - People interrupting me when I'm talking.
3 - People involving me in drama.
4 - People talking badly of people I care about.
5 - Homophobic people.
6 - Anti-mask people.
7 - Anti-vax people.
8 - Getting yelled at or criticized while driving.
9 - Being nagged to do something.
10 - Being too hot/cold when trying to go to bed.
1. people who think they are good at something but really suck, 2.school, 3.homework, 4.getting up early, 5.disney channel, 6.miley cyrus, 7.myspace, 8.depressing people, 9.gossip, 10.sore losers, 11.bragging, 12.pretending to be someone you aren't, 13. ignorance 14. selfishness 15. people who distract others from learning, 16. people who talk/text during church 17. stupid people 18.global warming 19. selfishness 20. being wrongly acused 21. curse words 22. cheating 23.knots in your hair 24. middle school dating 25. drugs and alcohal 26. lines/ waiting 27. people who dont share candy 28. overpriced stores 29. when you buy something and then find out it is a piece of crap 30. bad scented lotion 31.
One day I will type them all out here.