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Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2015

Lonely Planet’s experts have trekked the globe to select the best cities, regions and countries to visit in 2015. We've listed each of the top cities, regions, and countries here to make it easy for you to add them to your lists or mark them off if they are places you have already experienced!

For more information, view the original feature story on Lonely Planet

Top City #1

Washington DC is home to the world's largest collection of cherry blossom trees, with over 3,000 lining the Tidal Basin and blooming in a vibrant display of pink and white each spring.

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Top City #3

The most popular thing to do in Milan is to visit the magnificent Duomo di Milano, a stunning Gothic cathedral and symbol of the city.

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Top City #5

Valletta, the capital city of Malta, is one of the smallest capital cities in the world.

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Top City #8

Visiting the stunning Schönbrunn Palace, the former imperial summer residence, is a must-do when in Vienna.

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Top City #10

Toronto is home to the world's longest street, Yonge Street, which spans 1,896 kilometers from Lake Ontario to the Minnesota border.

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Top Region #9

The Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth, receiving less than 0.04 inches of rain annually.

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Top Country #5

The most popular thing to do in Ireland is to visit the spectacular in County Clare.

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Top Country #7

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