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On 24 lists and 5 people have done it.
Maybe a short one would be more manageable?

Or one that's more non-linear?
bingo card: https://enthralledbookworm.wordpress.com/2022/12/24/reading-challenge-readqueerly2023/
shuffle / random: https://booksandbakes.substack.com/p/queer-your-year
Completed my public library's summer reading challenge: read 20 hours and get a free commemorative tote bag. (I checked to make sure it was open to readers of all ages! Didn't want to take something away from kids.)
Maybe I can tackle a month-long challenge instead of a year-long one: https://bookriot.com/short-reading-challenges-for-adults-in-2022/
Marked as failed because I ran out of energy to do this in 2021. There are too many other things on my plate and focusing on books feels hard right now.
I'm done with 10 out of 24 books so far! That's a little skewed since I front-loaded some very short books, but if I have extra time later in the year, I might go back and re-do certain categories. I'm especially interested in looking for audio format fanfic now that I'm on a roll with aud (...more)
Desafio Leia Mulheres 2021
Book Riot's 2021 Read Harder Challenge | Book Riot
Take on Book Riot's 2021 Read Harder Challenge, an annual reading challenge to help you read outside your comfort zone and discover new authors!
I have a new list of seven books that were recommended for anti-racist education. I won't finish them in the span of seven weeks, but I might be able to finish them by the end of the Day Zero period.
I didn't finish Read Harder 2018, but I'm going to try again with Read Harder 2019! I have a more detailed plan this time too.
I'm working on this one right now: https://bookriot.com/2017/12/15/book-riots-2018-read-harder-challenge/

But I've only finished 7 out of 24, which isn't much progress considering that it's July.
2011 Debut Author Challenge 12/12