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Mel Monsta

I am the part of you that screams inside

The part of you that longs to fly

And sometimes the part that wants to hide

For I am the monster within you all

Some people set their monster free for all the world to see

While others keep it chained within for fear of it's toothy grin

But fear will often lead to hate

And that is such a dismal fate

For this life is filled with beauty, love, and grace

Always be proud of how far you've come

Express yourself it isn't dumb

Ride your skateboard

Show your tats

Read your books

And know your facts

Draw your pictures

Sing your songs

To be something different is never wrong

And should you feel alone or scared

Hold me tight for I am there

-Deborah Cameron
As the Sun rises,

birds pecking the Earth

grazing on an early meal.

Serenity is bliss!

And nothing is unfathomable.

Human, you are. One life, you get.

Mistakes will be formed,

But persevere.

Unearth Wisdom!

Banish the negativity, force it to flee.

Pushing forward is laborious...

This journey wont wait.

So seize it at every juncture!
A short poem about Autumn.
Remember the plot of Someone Like You
My Maid of Honor Poem!

Will you (continue to) help me find my perfect dress?

Will you (continue to) help me through all my wedding stress?

Will you be my counselor, stylist, hostess, interior decorator and taste tester?

Will you let me decide your dress even if it was polyester? (I would never let you wear polyester)

Will you hold my dress up when I have to pee?

Will you dance the night away with me?

Will you help me coordinate my bachelorette party and my perfect wedding day?

Will you (continue to) be my best friend in every way?

Will you help me with boring things… even a ridiculous task?

There’s one more thing I need to ask

Will you be my MAID OF HONOR?

To you world

Sometimes I wish I could lay and sleep forever

But forever is a long time and I have so much to do and see

I want to travel the world, and read so many books

I want to be happy, I want to be free

I never expected you to understand me

Because you’ve never looked, and you’ve never cared

But in the end my darling

That’s something I can bear

I will delay my sorrow

And I will live to do it all

I will free myself from the pain in my heart

But I ain’t never gonna be dull

(is not much but I tried and english is not even my mother language) :)
Won the James Emanuel Poetry prize for "Then"
Take me home.

© Gjilke Kerkhof

Absent Anthology

I know I left you

Floating around the house somewhere

And now, when I need

Words of comfort,

Of wisdom, of delight -

You are absent.


There is some dark corner

Where dustmotes are exulting to a

Well-turned phrase;

A generation of mice

May view the world differently

Transfixed for a moment

By 'le mot just'

But I, having set aside your wonders

Can merely sit in this silence

And fail to dream.
August2011-January 2012 - poem to celebrate Sherill's 60th birtday & 50 years of friendship
written many already at several stages in my life
It was called "Rain".
Love story - Ode to my Green Sneakers
Never wrote a poem but its worth a try i think
wrote a poem called guardian watcher...
Check it out! http://vox-intus.ratneshneema.com/2011/11/ephemeral.html
"Falling Without You"