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On 7,316 lists and 3,507 people have done it.
Almost 7 years ago
Overnight Security :(
Part-time Marketing Coordinator.
I work with students with learning difficulties, behavioral problems, and physical and cognitive disabilities in an adapted curriculum classroom.
Got a volunteer position in the field I want to work in. Will have actual work experience and references in a few months.
Started at MBU October 1, 2020
Looking after Jack & Ella Mon - Wed!
1. Constituency work, June - August 2019.

2. EF Ningbo, Yuyao and Cixi, September 2020 - .
Trifecta smoke shop 23rd/penn
I started driving for Amazon Flex in June 2019!
I got the job. I am going to receive a letter of offer and contract-like documents in the upcoming week. I don't quite believe it yet. Amazing!
Got a job interview tomorrow morning. Going away tonight in order to be in town in advance. One of my recent goals is "Prepare for the Best Case Scenario". I feel confident; I'll be really happy if it works out, but I also know that if it doesn't, it doesn't say anything about me, it just means that I wasn't meant to be there.
Cleaning at Rugby Club
Cleaning at Rugby Club
On with a new job application today, for which I'm really enthusiast and full of hope! Bulk of documents to produce and bind together, so it's like a full-time job in itself... but challenging! I'm happy!
Seem like this one is going to happen sooner that I expected. I have a very nice opportunity, but I don't feel prepared.
Another summer job.


Call Centre MOJ

Customer Service Rep

Project & Admin Coordinator
Right. I have two things going on right now, both of which feel like they're over my head but I probably should just get started somewhere. I have one small unpaid invoice out and a bigger one probably going out later this week - I'll have to check if the work is okay. If approved, the letter goes out. Another job is very slowly coming together. It'll yield very little in the way of money but I hope to use it for my marketing purposes later on so it is probably worth the time investment for me. Then I have a smalltime job lined up that I have an interview for later this week. It is absolutely nothing big but it's an income that I can use right now: packaging and shipping tea for a local webshop. Hey, it's work and not to be sneezed at, right?

Meanwhile I have been looking at a work spot for myself. I was working from home until my husband stopped working. Then I got a flex-spot somewhere but it's too noisy and that means that even for the money I paid for the work desk, I did not get enough done. I have been to look at another spot today. It is fulltime, my own desk, I could leave my stuff there, in a really nice spot in the centre of Amsterdam. Of course: it is pricey. But I feel that I could really work there and grow my business so that could be worth the money. Tricky stuff. I don't like making grown-up decisions!
Unemployed again.
It seems that I have something in the pipeline, plus two small jobs that at least bring in some money. This is welcome.
Freck this. I just spent two hours preparing an application and they've taken the vacancy offline.

Currently preparing an application for underachieving, underpaying job. I gotta do something.

I am overqualified for half the things I apply for. I am not invited for (or not interested in) the rest.

It makes me feel useless. I cannot even get a job.
Applied for contract job of commercial photography at FireTale
Belated! Got a job, now am moving on to another. :)
Hired July 9, 2018 at Businessolver
Got the job!🤩
Interview today! Fingers crossed
Night time summer job
I got a job in March 2017 at the animal shelter that I adopted my dog from
Dominos interview on Wednesday 13th
Práce v kiosku v nemocnici
God, I think I did it. Afraid to jinx it, as the first day is tomorrow.
2017-06-21 - my first day working in food service at the Land of Make Believe amusement park.
So, yes I know it is just a summer job buut it is a job :D I am a receptionist in Doris salon what is a cometics in Austria. My collegues are friendly and nice :) I have to work on Thursday, Friday and sometimes on Saturday :) It is hard because I have to use my command of german language but I hope I can do it :)
3 days later


titan fitness club

started translating subtitles for movies
I started working at the beginning of this week. 3 months probation and on to a real contract.
I work at Hardees, i started late october.
Used to work at a pet groomer's
Searching. Search buffering XD
Had an interview today and not even 3 hours later they called and asked if I wanted to start monday! I'm so excited for this and I'm so ready!
01-06-16: Got a summer job in 2016. Still trying to get a job for a whole year.
Had a 911 Critical exam today. Think I did well.
Seeing Youth Services for help with resume

Had a few interviews

Got a phone interview today, should hear from them tomorrow!

Had MANY MANY interviews. Surprisingly got interviews with almost all of the places I had dreamed of working at before (and some I didn't like as much *cough* *cough* Kroger). Got an interview at Dollar General in Ashland City, at the Riverview restaurant in Ashland City, and at a Hotel (almost worked there but I didn't feel quite right there, felt really bad for turning it down). I accepted an offer at CENTENNIAL ER IN ASHLAND CITY!!! The place I always wanted! However, they said it would be PRN...it is really full time (with no benefits though?). I am very grateful but extremely nervous, especially since it is night shift and I won't get to see my family ALL week M-F. My supervisor also intimidates me. Little mistakes have already started happening. I have training on April 18 and April 19 in Nashville. My interview was on March 7th or 8th!

If I don't screw it up, I would have found a job...good thing too because I am running out of dough and debt is piling up. Because I have been a dummy! I only hope I don't fail at this endeavor or that it will be miserable. I am very worried because the supervisor already intimidates me.

I need to start studying for my position so that I am prepared and finding purpose to the job. Please let this work out favorably! I can't stand to quit or fail anything else.
ravintola- ja myymäläsiivooja Järvenpään Prismaan spectra yhtiöt oy
applied to smallcakes
I got a job and I am flabbergasted. I got a job as a part-time sales associate at a women's boutique. I have no retail experience. Really no experience at all and it has taken me over 5 years to get a job. I had pretty much given up hope. I was late to my interview and felt afterwards and didn't answer questions well. Well I can think if a few things that helped me get the job 1) I made percentile in questionnaire 2) Good cover letter 3) Notified them I was going to be late and explained why, but not excused 4) My accessories, hair, makeup, clothing all fit the brand look

So much dumb things came out my mouth during interview, but when i asked if I seemed like their ideal candidate all she could say was that I had the look.
Lietuvos Jūrų Muziejus
Got a job at 26, but the main thing is I got a job!
picked fruit in the summer
Waitressing and Resident Advisor
oh god. I have another job but I want to leave this one too. I absolutely hate sales/retail but I take them because they're easy to get. I have never wanted to run so much in my life. I wouldn't mind too much if they weren't so serious about us having to harass customers (and follow a procedure in doing so). We're sort of monitored. I hate this.
I now have 2 jobs.
Started as a nightreceptionist in a hotel
Sommarjobb inom kommunen; äldreomsorg
Got two jobs as soon as I turned 16. Lifeguard at the local YMCA, and at the local pool.
Just got a job !! My old team manager to whom I applied for the new job just said I had the job, starting next Monday :)