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Cut my hair short
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I cut my hair for the first time in over a year. It feels so good to be able to wear it down instead of back in a bun. It's less heavy and it looks so much healthier. I didn't realize how grey I've become but I'm ok with that. Maybe once I start dating again I'll decide to color it.
I did this to keep cool last Summer. Bringing back the bowl cut! lol
Done! Just took off 20"

My head feels so much better!
Early 2015 after deciding to leave PharmD program
Hair is once again short. Also had it bleached so I could start coloring it again...
First I grew it out. Then I cut it short (bleached dry hair had to go!), then finally I cut it shorter!
Sort of did this.

Sort of want long hair again.
In Korea with 고모1/4. 7/23/2012
I forgot to mark this one on my list. I actually cut my hair last month. I was worried but it in the end it turned out alright. But I will say, my hair is difficult to maintain with it being so short now. I'm going to grow it back out for the winter though.
& by short I mean short, no longer than chin length
Unintentionally happened.
Went to get my hair trimmed today and wanted 1 inch cut off so my hair's lighter and less annoying for track.
Turns out.
A few inches are gone and I look like I'm middle aged.
At least the top knot still works I guess.
Friday 4th November 2011

I got a bob cut with bangs! My hair is up to my ears and I have straight bangs across my forehead. My mom cut it for me. I look like I'm wearing a helmet, but that's okay because I actually took a risk for once. I think I prefer my hair long and without bangs but I (...more)
Bottom of my ears and letting my hair grow for now on.
Will be done on December 21st, 2011! Excited!
Aug 2000 before Saudi Arabia
Not just cut, shaved! World's Greatest Shave 2011 <3
10/12/10 - cut my hair short(er)! Fun long pixie - I'm loving it!!
Aug 2000 before Saudi Arabia