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Spend a night stargazing
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Participated in "Stars Over Waikiki." Summer 2022
Stargazing from our campground in Yellowstone!
Spent a night a few weeks ago looking at the stars through a telescope and a pair of binoculars
TRG end of the year party out in Crawfordville- 40 degrees F out there but it was beautiful! Watched the Geminid meteor shower, Dec 13, 2014!
Completed 19th September 2014.
We spent the evening at West Lake Farm in Chilla, Devon watching the stars and identifying the constellations on the star chart. We could even see the Milky Way. A fantastic evening.
I stargazed most nights while sailing the coast of Turkey with mom, dad, Michele, Ryan, Jake, Philip, Nina, Christian and Doris.
South Fork, CO with Sam
It was kind of cloudy but we got to see some stars at China Walls.
12/6/13 Astronomy nights at MCC
Mit R. im Urlaub 2013
With Austin Bazan. July 22,2012. The night we went to PI to watch the Dark Knight. The very first time we went out alone.
PEI with Gayle, Donna, Erik and Helen, Diane and John, and of course Larry. After an evening dinner of Island blue muscles and salads, instead of playing cards, we opted to sit outside and watch the stars! It was a warm night with a slight ocean breeze. We could hear he waves cresting on the shore as we waited for shooting stars. I saw more planes than shooting stars! It was a beautiful night sky, and such a calming, relaxing way to end another perfect Island day!
Watched the Perceiods with my parents last night. (8/11/12) First time in a long time that the conditions were right. We saw a bunch of little ones and 4 or 5 beautiful big ones. Really makes you realize how big the universe is!
With Emily Dennis during school groups!