Nov 2022:
34 items for local Ukraine appeal
2 items sold on Vinted
Feb 2023:
Baby sleep pod sold on Marketplace
Moses basket sold on Marketplace
Bag of maternity clothes donated to charity
Bag of maternity clothes donated to local refugees
Bag of baby items donated to local refugees
Pump, bottles steriliser donated to local refugees
March 2023:
Item sold on Vinted
May 2023:
Baby bath sold on Marketplace
July 2023:
Items given away to friends:
Car seat
Baby play mat
Bag of newborn clothes
Bouncer seat
Sept 2023:
Birthing ball sold on Marketplace
Sling given away to friend
10 items (books, clothes, new unused purse) taken to charity
Swimsuit sold on Vinted
Baby outfit sold on Vinted
Nov 2023:
3 coats sold on Vinted
Jan 2024:
Items given to baby bank:
1x breastpump
1x playmat
2x pack of nappies
2x winter clothing
Mattress sold on Marketplace
Nov 2022:
34 items for local Ukraine appeal
2 items sold on Vinted
Feb 2023:
Baby sleep