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Read a book in another language
"The Little Prince" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) - Korean and French
추억의 숲 - Do.ha
살인자의 기억법 - 김영하
추억의 숲 - Do.ha
살인자의 기억법 - 김영하
Work in progress: I purchased the eBook called Harry Potter et l'École des Sorciers, the first Harry Potter book in French. So far I've read part of the first chapter, but I have a new strategy for reading:
1. Skim for comprehension
2. Highlight all unknown words
3. Look up unknown words (and add to Quizlet deck)
4. Reread for more complete comprehension
Do this each day and review unknown words each day (obviously!).
1. Skim for comprehension
2. Highlight all unknown words
3. Look up unknown words (and add to Quizlet deck)
4. Reread for more complete comprehension
Do this each day and review unknown words each day (obviously!).
Sep 2013 - Zoe Heller 'Notes on a Scandal'
I read il beau fait, a book in french
Harry Potter et L'ecole de Sociers.
A book not in italian
Stolthet och fördom (Pride and Prejudice).
Animal Farm, in english
Good Omens!
Cultural Immersion Literature Language Learning Multiculturalism Vocabulary Language Proficiency Language Acquisition Language Practice Vocabulary Building Linguistics Foreign Language Fluency Multilingualism Bilingualism Reading Comprehension Linguistic Diversity
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