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It's been a while, but I put another £20 in today to bring me to 60%

Total: £300
Another £15 in today.

Total: £280
Added another £15 today.

Total: £265
I had to miss a couple of weeks of adding to my savings in March as I had some unexpected expenses, but I did put in £15 last week and another £20 this week, which brings me to the halfway marker on this goal.

Total: £250
Another small top up this week.

Total: £215
I added £20 this week, just to round off my total. I'm now 40% in.

Total: £200
Another £15 this week. I'm glad nothing's interrupted my savings routine!

Total: £180
Another £15 in today

Total: £165
Bringing it up to a nice round figure with another £15

Total: £150
I'm glad it was payday yesterday! January feels like a long month... Anyway, another £15 in today.

Total: £135
Slowly creeping up with another £15

Total: £120
Another £15 in this week and it takes me just over 20%

Total: £105
Another £15 in this week.

Total: £90
This is the first week I've decided to increase my weekly amount to £15.

Total: £75
Last one for December! Another £10 in. I think I'll try increasing the weekly amounts from next week, now that the festivities are out of the way.

Total: £60
Still on track with another £10 today, marking 10% of my goal.

Total: £50
It's that time again and frankly I don't feel like I'm missing that £10 a week.

Total: £40
It's Friday so another £10 finds it's way into my savings.

Total: £30
It's Friday so I've put in another £10. I guess when Christmas is out of the way I can start putting a larger amount in each week, but for now let's just get the festivities out of the way.

Total £20
As a base amount, I'll be putting aside £10 each week. If I earn any overtime at work, receive monetary gifts etc, it's all going into the savings.

Put in my first £10 today. Onward an upward!