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Have a baby
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On 5,056 lists and 1,051 people have done it.
Lieve, grappige, knappe Boris - 20-01-2020
Santa won't be the only one coming to town.
pregnant - 8 weeks. Due Feb 2018
I had a baby August 3rd, 2016. I was with my family and it was a crazy and painful moment.
I had a baby August 3rd, 2016. I was with my family and it was a crazy and painful moment.
Get married first, than make love to my love of my life.
Born Aug 31 @ 8:08pm.
Today I'm 24 weeks pregnant! It's such a surreal milestone. We know we're having a boy. That took some time initially to adjust to.... what do I do with a boy?! I'm going to have a son?! But we are definitely excited and looking forward to finally growing our family. My pregnancy has been (...more)
Baby Berlynn is due September 10, 2016!
haha it's kind of funny that I'm marking this one as 'In Progress'. Our first baby is due on 8 July 2016.
My son was born September 9th 2014 :)
Parker was born 9/11/10

Ari was born 10/10/12
17 weeks pregnant :)
I found out I was pregnant on 9/12/13. I believe the baby will be due in the end of May!!!! I am about 6 weeks right now.
Fiona Kathleen born 3/6
Baby Niko was born at the birth centre, RVI, Newcastle on the 3rd of January 2013.
29.01.13 - Welcome to the world, baby Ella!!!... I couldn't be happier :o)
My husband and I are currently trying for a baby :)
October 2012 7 months!
20 weeks now, and IT'S A GIRL!!! :o)
Welcome Baby Ezra
Appt with fertility doc next week
I have 4 beautiful children and 1 angle in heaven
13 weeks pregnant! :o)
Best thing that ever happened to me 4/24/12
Cole Robert born 10/22/11
Undergoing the testing right now for fertility issues
Have a baby (Due date; Feb. 12)
Jackson was born 4/13/11
Currently 33 weeks pregnant
Completed on 11/30/11
Maia Elisabeth was born May 12, 2011 at 10:01PM. She weighed 7lbs 11.6oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. We are in love.