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Make a Year in Pictures album
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Started January 18th on 365 Project. SN adiramn.
18th November

At the moment, busy compiling photographs from the last year. No easy task, given that I must have taken over 15,000 pictures.

20th November

I'm in an advanced state of editing now. Despite the vast number of photographs taken during the year, somehow I've whittled them down to about 160, which I've provisionally arranged into a 124 page photo book. I should be ready to put in an order for it soon. :-)

21st November

My book was ordered today, and when it's printed out will comprise of 134 pages.

23rd November

Received email from suppliers to say the book is already finished and bound, and it's on its way!

online photo album where I've been putting my 365 Day Photo Challenge pictures.

Just after ordering a photo book of my first year in the desert.
I have compiled a whole album of my past year in the UAE. It has turned out really well. Can't wait to see it.
I got a photo album for my 21st birthday. I've been meaning to take more photos but not much has happened to me so far in my 21st year (since late September)... But I still want to fill it.
hosted on my tumblr.
going to put them into a physical album at the end of the year.
We just ordered the album of 2011 from Apple. I am VERY pleased with the result! Can't wait to get it in the mail.
16.1.2012 I have about 300 photos, too much for an album book, so I have an e-photo album instead!
8.1.2012 taken a year's worth of photos I now need to print and put them in an album.
Going to make my album out of my Project 365 photos!