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Make a wish at 11:11 on November 11, 2011
To never have to worry about anything serious and have a simple and happy life.
Damn it, I am so sure I am missing this one!
Completely forgot.. and missed it
Have to try remembering this...
it was a good wish....Hope it comes true!!
I made a wish for world peace. Pretty proud of that.
11:11 and 11 seconds :)
is it sad that my wish was to not be sick anymore?
Friday 11th November 2011
Not much to say other than the fact that 11:11AM occurred while I was in Careers class with Rachel Leung. We were sitting there and Megan Raju and Latisha Neale (who sit behind us) were counting down the seconds to 11:11AM. Rachel told me she doesn't believe in 11: (...more)
Not much to say other than the fact that 11:11AM occurred while I was in Careers class with Rachel Leung. We were sitting there and Megan Raju and Latisha Neale (who sit behind us) were counting down the seconds to 11:11AM. Rachel told me she doesn't believe in 11: (...more)
:D Kept looking at my phone all morning,and it was during a physical education class in a rainy day! :)
It's already 2011, November is next month.
It's already 2011, November is next month.
I missed it at 11:11 am, but thanks to Josh L. reminding me, I made my wish at 11:11 pm!
Can't say what cause it hasn't happened yet.
november 11, 2011 at 11:11 am in hebrew class
11/11/11 (obviously) - as per usual, I'll let you know if it comes true!
na aula de história
UM donut remember lulz
I'm not telling what it was, though!
Wish. Made.
November 11, 2011
With Samantha Breslin.
With Samantha Breslin.
Unfortunately, i was at work so i couldnt take my time to make a great big old wish in a specticular manner. LoL. BUT i still made a wish. Hope it comes true on day :)
11/11/11 11:11:11pm
needs: a clock
completed 11-11-11! - went to the tribute night with sinead, and on the way to the shitty mcdonalds, made a wish in the car!
I also bought a lottery ticket
This one is obvious when it was completed on.
11:11:11a on 11.11.11!
I caught both (& so did Tristan)!
Ich hab mir gewünscht das ich küssen und so wieder was fühle & das andere..
I was sleeping :(
Not only is this one done I repeated the wish at 11:11:11 on 11/11/11!
It Came true!!
with RJ <3
I made like 10 friends remind me to this since i only had 2 chances. I missed 11:11am but made my wish on 11:11pm, so i'm excited to see if it happens
Made a with at 11:11 AM amd PM:)
Wish made 11/11/11 at 11:11 AM EST... I missed it in the AM.
Four minutes late, better late than never though.
:) Done...
Added as meeting for this week do not forget
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