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Make a list of 100 interesting English words and add to my active vocabulary

In my logophile file!

1. affable
2. diffident
3. demeanor
4. asphodel
5. slanted
6. sloan (eyed)
7. resplended
8. delirious, delirium
9. kindle
10. periiwinkle
11. verdant
12. plumage
13. ingress/egress
14. guile
15. pious
16. tranquil
17. pellucid
18. hell for leather
19. menhir
20. invoke, invocation
21. hoarfrost
22. ellucidate
2 (...more)
2. diffident
3. demeanor
4. asphodel
5. slanted
6. sloan (eyed)
7. resplended
8. delirious, delirium
9. kindle
10. periiwinkle
11. verdant
12. plumage
13. ingress/egress
14. guile
15. pious
16. tranquil
17. pellucid
18. hell for leather
19. menhir
20. invoke, invocation
21. hoarfrost
22. ellucidate
2 (...more)

1. Egregious - outstandingly bad, outrageous.

Ailurophile - Cat Lover.
Inglenook - A cosy nook by the hearth.
Pertrichor -The smell of earth after rain.
Inglenook - A cosy nook by the hearth.
Pertrichor -The smell of earth after rain.

Got on a roll and now have a list of 130+ interesting words to add to my vocabulary :)

1. Alveolated- Pitted or filled with cavities
2. Synesthesia- A disorder where specific senses become linked.
3. Unami- the taste of savory
4. Wemble- to go back and forth between two choices without making up your mind (Fraggle Rock word)
2. Synesthesia- A disorder where specific senses become linked.
3. Unami- the taste of savory
4. Wemble- to go back and forth between two choices without making up your mind (Fraggle Rock word)

Start these list at 22.12.12!
001. paperwork = Papierkram
002. chopsticks = (Ess-)Stäbchen
003. from scratch = von Grund auf
004. to admire = jemanden bewundern
005. marker = Lesezeichen
006. bonfire = Lagerfeuer
007. caption = Beschriftung, Schlagzeile, Untertitel
008. scrapbook = Sammelalbum
009. skinny dip = Nackt baden
010. superstition = Aberglaube
011. scarecrow = Vogelscheuche/Strohpuppe
012. habitat = Biotop
013. mole = Leberfleck, Muttermal, Hafenmole, Maulwurf, Spion
014. canvas = Leinwand
015. toll = Maut, Gebühr
016. whim = Laune/Marotte
017. hounted house = Geisterhaus, Spukschloß, Geisterbahn (hounted = Verfolgter, Verfolgte)
018. resolve = Entschluss/Vorsatz
019. savings account = Sparbuch
020. “I’ll kill that cat!” = singemäß: "Schmeckt wie Katzenpisse"
021. closing time = Feierabend
022. sense of humor = Sinn für Humor
001. paperwork = Papierkram
002. chopsticks = (Ess-)Stäbchen
003. from scratch = von Grund auf
004. to admire = jemanden bewundern
005. marker = Lesezeichen
006. bonfire = Lagerfeuer
007. caption = Beschriftung, Schlagzeile, Untertitel
008. scrapbook = Sammelalbum
009. skinny dip = Nackt baden
010. superstition = Aberglaube
011. scarecrow = Vogelscheuche/Strohpuppe
012. habitat = Biotop
013. mole = Leberfleck, Muttermal, Hafenmole, Maulwurf, Spion
014. canvas = Leinwand
015. toll = Maut, Gebühr
016. whim = Laune/Marotte
017. hounted house = Geisterhaus, Spukschloß, Geisterbahn (hounted = Verfolgter, Verfolgte)
018. resolve = Entschluss/Vorsatz
019. savings account = Sparbuch
020. “I’ll kill that cat!” = singemäß: "Schmeckt wie Katzenpisse"
021. closing time = Feierabend
022. sense of humor = Sinn für Humor

1. resonant - a lasting presence or effect
2. poignant - profoundly moving, keen sense of melancholy
3. inherent - existing as essential, permanent or characteristic element
4. intrepid - fearless and persistent
5. redundant - repetitious and verbose in expressing ideas, not useful
6. to permeate / pervasive - spread throughout
7. vociferous - characterised by loudness or vehement emotion
8. paradigm - an example or archetype
9. retrospect / hindsight - reflection on past events
10. gaunt - thin, desolate
11. reverie - daydream, musing state
12. requiem - hymn for the dead
13. coercion - to use forceful power
14. equilibrium - state of balance
15. to circumvent - to avoid the issue, bypass
16. barren - devoid of vegetation, unproductive
17. clemency - to show mercy or compassion
18. adjacent - close/nearness
19. juxtaposition - placing side by side for comparison or contrast
20. blatant - obvious or conspicuous, often in a tasteless manner
21. callous - insensitive, hard
22. disconcerting - upsetting, confusing
23. comely - attractive, agreeable
24. to vilify / malign - to speak ill of
25. bilateral - two-sided
26. capricious - erratic or whimsical
27. charlatan - one who pretends to have more skill than in actuality
28. discrepancy - difference or inconsistency
29. clandestine - secret or concealed, with purpose of subversion or deception
30. sacrilege - violation of sacred object, profanity
31. felicitous - appropriate, suitable manner
32. hapless - unfortunate, pitiable
33. emollient - soothing or softening, especially medicinal
34. emanate - to flow out, come forth from a source or origin
35. insipid - bland, without interesting qualities
36. egregious - distinctive, extraordinary in a bad way
37. insidious - treacherous or deceitful
38. fastidious - hard to please
39. indolent - inactive, causing little pain
40. disposition - prevailing tendency of one's spirit, state of mind
41. elusive - hard to express or define
42. evanescent - fleeting, fading out of sight, scarcely perceptible
43. malevolent - wishing evil to others
44. gratuitous - free of charge, being without apparent reason
45. garrulous - rambling, talking in a roundabout manner
46. reminiscence – memory or recollection
47. cataract – layer upon eye which inhibits eyesight
48. to disintegrate – to divide or destroy
49. perpetual – neverending, eternal (to perpetuate: to sustain)
50. sentient – conscious, aware
51. unyielding – not giving way to pressure
52. lucidity – absolute clarity
53. encumbered – burdened, hindered
54. oblique – not in a straight line
55. apprehensive – fearful of a possible occurrence, perceptive and clever
56. lethargic - characterised by laziness
57. redamancy – loving in return
58. to lament - to express mourning, sorrow or regret, to bemoan
59. subterranean – existing under the surface of the earth, hidden, secretive
60. chimerical – wildly imaginative, fantastical
61. elysian – blissful
62. trivial - of little worth or importance
63. asseveration – positive affirmation, earnest declaration
64. receding - to move back, gradually diminishing
65. serendipity – happy discoveries by accident
66. quixotic - chivalrous and romantic, unpredictable and impulsive
67. oxymoron - figure of speech which has contradictory effect
68. palpable / tangible - readily seen or perceived, able to touch or feel
69. scrutiny - searching examination, close surveillance
70. quintessential - perfect embodiment of something
71. scrupulous - precise and careful, principled
72. resilient - returning to original form, rebounding or recovering
73. vehement - strongly emotional, zealous, impassioned
74. unkempt / disheveled - unpolished
75. seamless - continuous, flowing, uniform
76. perquisite – benefit over regular payment from employment
77. abundant – plenty, amply supplied
78. languid – lazily peaceful
79. uncanny – supernatural, unearthly
80. recalcitrant - resisting authority, hard to manage
81. ostentatious - intended to attract notice
82. protean - variable, easily assuming different forms or characters
83. nemesis - downfall, something or someone whom a person cannot overcome
84. ambivalent - having mixed feelings about something or someone
85. disjointed - lacking coherence or orderly sequence
86. acerbic - sour or bitter of taste, harsh of temper
87. to intersect - to cut across or through
88. discerning - perceptive, showing good judgment and understanding
89. sporadic - irregular, occurring widely apart
90. reprehensible - deserving blame, culpable
91. nebulous - cloudlike, vague, confused
92. zeal - fervour for a cause, eager desire or endeavour
93. vicarious - serving as a substitute
94. cunning - skilful, crafty, artfully sly
95. dexterity - skilful in using hands or body, cleverness
96. agile - fast in movement and intellect
97. undulated - smooth wavelike motion, wavy form
98. tremulous - affected with trembling and nervousness, easily shaken
99. galvanising - stimulating, startling, surprising
100. imperative - required, necessary
2. poignant - profoundly moving, keen sense of melancholy
3. inherent - existing as essential, permanent or characteristic element
4. intrepid - fearless and persistent
5. redundant - repetitious and verbose in expressing ideas, not useful
6. to permeate / pervasive - spread throughout
7. vociferous - characterised by loudness or vehement emotion
8. paradigm - an example or archetype
9. retrospect / hindsight - reflection on past events
10. gaunt - thin, desolate
11. reverie - daydream, musing state
12. requiem - hymn for the dead
13. coercion - to use forceful power
14. equilibrium - state of balance
15. to circumvent - to avoid the issue, bypass
16. barren - devoid of vegetation, unproductive
17. clemency - to show mercy or compassion
18. adjacent - close/nearness
19. juxtaposition - placing side by side for comparison or contrast
20. blatant - obvious or conspicuous, often in a tasteless manner
21. callous - insensitive, hard
22. disconcerting - upsetting, confusing
23. comely - attractive, agreeable
24. to vilify / malign - to speak ill of
25. bilateral - two-sided
26. capricious - erratic or whimsical
27. charlatan - one who pretends to have more skill than in actuality
28. discrepancy - difference or inconsistency
29. clandestine - secret or concealed, with purpose of subversion or deception
30. sacrilege - violation of sacred object, profanity
31. felicitous - appropriate, suitable manner
32. hapless - unfortunate, pitiable
33. emollient - soothing or softening, especially medicinal
34. emanate - to flow out, come forth from a source or origin
35. insipid - bland, without interesting qualities
36. egregious - distinctive, extraordinary in a bad way
37. insidious - treacherous or deceitful
38. fastidious - hard to please
39. indolent - inactive, causing little pain
40. disposition - prevailing tendency of one's spirit, state of mind
41. elusive - hard to express or define
42. evanescent - fleeting, fading out of sight, scarcely perceptible
43. malevolent - wishing evil to others
44. gratuitous - free of charge, being without apparent reason
45. garrulous - rambling, talking in a roundabout manner
46. reminiscence – memory or recollection
47. cataract – layer upon eye which inhibits eyesight
48. to disintegrate – to divide or destroy
49. perpetual – neverending, eternal (to perpetuate: to sustain)
50. sentient – conscious, aware
51. unyielding – not giving way to pressure
52. lucidity – absolute clarity
53. encumbered – burdened, hindered
54. oblique – not in a straight line
55. apprehensive – fearful of a possible occurrence, perceptive and clever
56. lethargic - characterised by laziness
57. redamancy – loving in return
58. to lament - to express mourning, sorrow or regret, to bemoan
59. subterranean – existing under the surface of the earth, hidden, secretive
60. chimerical – wildly imaginative, fantastical
61. elysian – blissful
62. trivial - of little worth or importance
63. asseveration – positive affirmation, earnest declaration
64. receding - to move back, gradually diminishing
65. serendipity – happy discoveries by accident
66. quixotic - chivalrous and romantic, unpredictable and impulsive
67. oxymoron - figure of speech which has contradictory effect
68. palpable / tangible - readily seen or perceived, able to touch or feel
69. scrutiny - searching examination, close surveillance
70. quintessential - perfect embodiment of something
71. scrupulous - precise and careful, principled
72. resilient - returning to original form, rebounding or recovering
73. vehement - strongly emotional, zealous, impassioned
74. unkempt / disheveled - unpolished
75. seamless - continuous, flowing, uniform
76. perquisite – benefit over regular payment from employment
77. abundant – plenty, amply supplied
78. languid – lazily peaceful
79. uncanny – supernatural, unearthly
80. recalcitrant - resisting authority, hard to manage
81. ostentatious - intended to attract notice
82. protean - variable, easily assuming different forms or characters
83. nemesis - downfall, something or someone whom a person cannot overcome
84. ambivalent - having mixed feelings about something or someone
85. disjointed - lacking coherence or orderly sequence
86. acerbic - sour or bitter of taste, harsh of temper
87. to intersect - to cut across or through
88. discerning - perceptive, showing good judgment and understanding
89. sporadic - irregular, occurring widely apart
90. reprehensible - deserving blame, culpable
91. nebulous - cloudlike, vague, confused
92. zeal - fervour for a cause, eager desire or endeavour
93. vicarious - serving as a substitute
94. cunning - skilful, crafty, artfully sly
95. dexterity - skilful in using hands or body, cleverness
96. agile - fast in movement and intellect
97. undulated - smooth wavelike motion, wavy form
98. tremulous - affected with trembling and nervousness, easily shaken
99. galvanising - stimulating, startling, surprising
100. imperative - required, necessary

Hesitate - aarzelen
Smuck - zak
Assassin - huurmoordenaar
Ish - -achtig
Smuck - zak
Assassin - huurmoordenaar
Ish - -achtig

1) insipid
2) coagulate
4) vilify
5) permeate/pervade
6) imperative
7) fiscal
8) peruse
9) ravenous/ gluttonous/ voracious
10) rudimentary
11) rancid
12) infamy
13) sacrellige
14) revere
15) demise
16) valient
17) ransack
2) coagulate
4) vilify
5) permeate/pervade
6) imperative
7) fiscal
8) peruse
9) ravenous/ gluttonous/ voracious
10) rudimentary
11) rancid
12) infamy
13) sacrellige
14) revere
15) demise
16) valient
17) ransack

98. pacifier (tutti)
99. rickrack (siksakin mallinen koristenauha)
100. scepter (valtikka)
99. rickrack (siksakin mallinen koristenauha)
100. scepter (valtikka)

87. chip log (käsiloki)
88. syringe (ruisku)
89. snaffle bit (kuolain)
90. sash (vyötärönauha)
91. chaps (hapsuhousunsuojat)
92. fawn (vasa)
93. pug (mopsi)
94. easel (maalausteline)
95. trellis (säleikkö)
96. bayonet (pistin)
97. turpentine (tärpätti)
88. syringe (ruisku)
89. snaffle bit (kuolain)
90. sash (vyötärönauha)
91. chaps (hapsuhousunsuojat)
92. fawn (vasa)
93. pug (mopsi)
94. easel (maalausteline)
95. trellis (säleikkö)
96. bayonet (pistin)
97. turpentine (tärpätti)

82. tadpole (sammakonpoikanen)
83. outlet (pistorasia)
84. hose (letku)
85. funnel (suppilo)
86. pail (sanko)
83. outlet (pistorasia)
84. hose (letku)
85. funnel (suppilo)
86. pail (sanko)

72. drop spindle (hyrrä)
73. hive (mehiläispesä)
74. noose (silmukka)
75. streamers (serpentiini)
76. fuse (sulake, sytytin)
77. pruning shears (oksasakset)
78. maypole (juhannussalko)
79. stencil (sapluuna)
80. maze (sokkelo, labyrintti)
81. topiary (muotoiltu pensas)
73. hive (mehiläispesä)
74. noose (silmukka)
75. streamers (serpentiini)
76. fuse (sulake, sytytin)
77. pruning shears (oksasakset)
78. maypole (juhannussalko)
79. stencil (sapluuna)
80. maze (sokkelo, labyrintti)
81. topiary (muotoiltu pensas)

69. anvil (alasin)
70. crate ((säle)laatikko)
71. faucet (hana)
70. crate ((säle)laatikko)
71. faucet (hana)

52. ladle (kauha)
53. chisel (taltta)
54. clamp (puristin, pihdit)
55. torch (soihtu, poltin)
56. fern (saniainen)
57. hoe (kuokka)
58. goldfinch (tikli)
59. shard (siru)
60. cradle (kehto, alusta)
61. wrench (kiintoavain)
62. pick (hakku)
63. crowbar (sorkkarauta)
64. canteen (kenttäpullo, ruokala)
6 (...more)
53. chisel (taltta)
54. clamp (puristin, pihdit)
55. torch (soihtu, poltin)
56. fern (saniainen)
57. hoe (kuokka)
58. goldfinch (tikli)
59. shard (siru)
60. cradle (kehto, alusta)
61. wrench (kiintoavain)
62. pick (hakku)
63. crowbar (sorkkarauta)
64. canteen (kenttäpullo, ruokala)
6 (...more)

49. spearhead (keihäänkärki)
50. tick (punkki)
51. puddle (lätäkkö)
50. tick (punkki)
51. puddle (lätäkkö)

48. puddle (lätäkkö)

46. spear (keihäs)
47. anteater (muurahaiskarhu)
47. anteater (muurahaiskarhu)

45. yoke (ies)

37. tack (nupi, nupinaula)
38. hinge (sarana)
39. tin snips (peltisakset)
40. caliper (työntömitta)
41. bolt (pultti)
42. spring (jousi)
43. hand hoe (käsihara, -hakku)
44. trough (kaukalo)
38. hinge (sarana)
39. tin snips (peltisakset)
40. caliper (työntömitta)
41. bolt (pultti)
42. spring (jousi)
43. hand hoe (käsihara, -hakku)
44. trough (kaukalo)

1. northern bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum, juolukka)
2. herb-rich forest (lehto)
3. nemoral forest (lehto)
4. flood meadow (luhta)
5. String bog (aapa)
6. treeless mire (aapa)
7. wooded [minerotrophic] mire (korpi)
8. pine mire (räme)
9. rich fen (treeless) (letto)
10. slurry (liete)
11. common viper (Vipera berus, kyy)
12. Grass Snake (Natrix natrix, rantakäärme)
13. Blind worm (Anguis fragilis, vaskitsa)
14. lampern (Lampetra fluviatilis, nahkiainen)
15. rufous milk cap (Lactarius rufus, kangasrousku)
16. Puffball (kuukuset)
17. Destroying angel (Amanita virosa, valkokärpässieni)
18. Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria, punakärpässieni
19. False morel (Gyromitra esculenta, korvasieni)
20. Red-banded Cortinarius (Cortinarius armillatus, punavyöseitikki)
21. Bracket fungi (käävät)
22. black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum, variksenmarja)
23. Birch sap (mahla)
24. Lapland unleavened bread (Lapinrieska)
25. Lappish cheese (leipäjuusto)
26. goutweed (vuohenputki)
27. quarry, quarries (louhos, louhimo, kivilouhimo)
28. bedrock (kallioperä)
29. schist (liuske)
30. soapstone (vuolukivi)
31. peat (turve)
32. lean-to (laavu)
33. duckboards (pitkospuut)
34. roe (mäti)
35. wood-sour (käenkaali, ketunleipä)
36. luminous badge, pedestrian safety reflector (heijastin)
2. herb-rich forest (lehto)
3. nemoral forest (lehto)
4. flood meadow (luhta)
5. String bog (aapa)
6. treeless mire (aapa)
7. wooded [minerotrophic] mire (korpi)
8. pine mire (räme)
9. rich fen (treeless) (letto)
10. slurry (liete)
11. common viper (Vipera berus, kyy)
12. Grass Snake (Natrix natrix, rantakäärme)
13. Blind worm (Anguis fragilis, vaskitsa)
14. lampern (Lampetra fluviatilis, nahkiainen)
15. rufous milk cap (Lactarius rufus, kangasrousku)
16. Puffball (kuukuset)
17. Destroying angel (Amanita virosa, valkokärpässieni)
18. Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria, punakärpässieni
19. False morel (Gyromitra esculenta, korvasieni)
20. Red-banded Cortinarius (Cortinarius armillatus, punavyöseitikki)
21. Bracket fungi (käävät)
22. black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum, variksenmarja)
23. Birch sap (mahla)
24. Lapland unleavened bread (Lapinrieska)
25. Lappish cheese (leipäjuusto)
26. goutweed (vuohenputki)
27. quarry, quarries (louhos, louhimo, kivilouhimo)
28. bedrock (kallioperä)
29. schist (liuske)
30. soapstone (vuolukivi)
31. peat (turve)
32. lean-to (laavu)
33. duckboards (pitkospuut)
34. roe (mäti)
35. wood-sour (käenkaali, ketunleipä)
36. luminous badge, pedestrian safety reflector (heijastin)

1. retrospect
2. paradigm
2. paradigm

northern bilberry (Vaccinium uliginosum)
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