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Get my driver's license
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On 3,539 lists and 2,067 people have done it.
Validade: 1 ano
Informações: https://www.detran.sp.gov.br/wps/myportal/portaldetran/cidadao/habilitacao/fichaservico/habilitacaoPermissao

1) Agendar presencialmente
2) Exame médico - R$116,69
3) Avaliação psicológica - R$136,14
4) Curso teórico de 45 horas-aula - CONSULTAR
5) Prova teórica (tem simulado no site do Detran) - R$48,62
6) Curso prático de mínimo de 20 horas-aula - CONSULTAR
7) Prova prática - R$48,62
8) Emissão da CNH - R$127,69

TOTAL Detran - R$477,76
Entre R$1.200 e R$2.000 são os custos da Auto Escola
Officially passed on the 19th of June! Now just waiting on the official license.
I took and passed my driving test on 03/01/2022. I'm scheduled to get my license on 03/16/2022.
I took and passed my knowledge test on 02/21/2022. My driving test is scheduled in less than a week from today. I have almost 20/50 required driving hours so far.
Yeah, I have it! From the second attempt only :)
My exam is planned on the 12th of April!
Got my theoretic license!
1. Buy car
2. Sign up for driving lessons
3. Rope in friends to supervise my practise sessions

Really starting with lessons in the beginning of October. Instructor advised 22 lessons of 2 hours, which is about average. Assuming that I'll take one lesson each week, this would mean that I'd be ready to take the exam in March 2022.
First driving lesson is planned for the 1st of September! Really excited but also kind of nervous
Signed up for a starter’s course that was on sale, starting either September or October with lessons
Actual theoretic exam is planned for the 15th of October
Signed up for a 2 day course to get my theoretic part of the license! Planned for the 18th and 19th of September.
Woot-Woot! Got the temporary licence renewed. Allowed to drive again. Just have to pass the course certification, then I'll be elligible for the test. Keep going.
Lesson 1 = 08/05/19
I finally got my driver's license at 27 years old. I took the test in Covington.
Accomplished in 2013

Now I'm still thinking about getting the A cat.
Not sure if I want or need it anymore.
Goal: By April 14th
I apply also in 2010 and only relly started in 2016. I took my writting test and passed with 0 wrong but the pratical exam was terrible and I failed. I feel terrible because I was quite calm and reallty thought I was gonna make it. Now I have to repeat it but I have to wait a month . I really can´t fail this time!
Licenced in October
1st step: Go retake the written test. I'm such a whiner but going in person to the DMV in Lodi is such a horrendously unpleasant task. Getting there when it first opens will reduce some of the wait time but it will still be a wait. p all uThe only way I can do this is to stay up all night because I work the night-time/overnight shift, which is slowly destroying my will to live, which reminds me to include switching from the night shift to days as another goal.
I had a license a while ago but it's now expired. I have to retake the written test and road test now. I passed the written test last year but the road test was on the day of my first week of a new job i started. I should have taken the road test anyway. I thought I could easily reschedule online but afterwards I found out that I couldn't do that and now my permit expired so I have to start all over. bummer

8/20/15 -- Scheduled test for October 15th.
April 9th, 2015!

The lady who was the tester was actually the mother of the son of the first kid I taught in Auti-swim.
finally passed my test on february 18th 2015!
I still only have my beginners, but hey, I can sorta drive now. I can turn, back up and go straight!
On January 14, 2015 I passed the test and got my license!
I drove again today. I drove to the parking lot and back home.
Driven once @ average rate of 7 mph
I have my permit
Took first driving lesson 12/07/2014
Sent off for my provisional licences on the 24/06/2014!!
Finally, Yeees! :D 03.06.2014!
On the 15th April 2014, I finally passed my driving test!
Got my learner's permit on March, 7th.
I got my driving licence in 2009 so about 5 years ago. It took me a lot of effort to get it. I failed a few times because of small, stupid mistakes so who ever is trying to get their driving licence and it is not working out, my thoughts are with you.
Started lessons on January, 20th.
OMG! I did it! Still can't believe)
Riskettan + Tvåan (halkan) done in May -13
Step 1. Check when permit expires.

on the 26th of april, 2013. finally.
Passed my test on the 2nd of October.

Got my license on October 3th.

Yay :)
120828 Handledarkurs

120831 Fick handledartillstånd för att börja övningsköra
Should have it by next month :)
Failed G2 drivetest :( -18/11/10
Passed G2 drivetest! :D -28/02/11
C (car) class automatic license
Practical driving assessment
Pass the Theory

Pass the Driving Test
I have my Learner's Permit.
I will get my license January 6, 2012.
25.10.2011. I can't believe that I really did that!
September 19, 2011!
11/18/11 Didn't it any cones! Got points off for not speeding up after my turns and waiting too long before turning!
Got it!! :) Second time around though.
By the end of the year.
Theory test passed: 1/2
I had 16 lessons up to today.
Completed October 19th, 2010.