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Catch 10 new species of fish (2012-2014)

05/29/12 -- Klamath River Lamprey
07/15/12 -- Grass Rockfish
03/25/13 -- Brown Smoothound Shark, Spiny Dogfish, Striped Bass, Bat Ray, Leopard Shark
05/25/13 -- Shortnose Sucker
07/23/13 -- Coho Salmon
08/11/13 -- Chinook Salmon
05/29/12 -- Klamath River Lamprey
07/15/12 -- Grass Rockfish
03/25/13 -- Brown Smoothound Shark, Spiny Dogfish, Striped Bass, Bat Ray, Leopard Shark
05/25/13 -- Shortnose Sucker
07/23/13 -- Coho Salmon
08/11/13 -- Chinook Salmon
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