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Read a book with more than 500 pages
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On 235 lists and 192 people have done it.
Suggestion: Tolstoy - Anna Karenina; A.S. Byatt - Possession
878 pages finished! I actually wound up wearing a thumbprint into the cover. It feels weird to put it back on the shelf.
So close now! Just have The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath to finish.
Nearing 400 pages and just past one of my all-time favorites, The Whisperer in Darkness.
A little over 1/4 of the way there at page 233, just past Call of Cthulhu.
82 pages into this behemoth, aiming for 7-10 pages a day. They're in chronological order, so it's interesting to see his work evolve.
Aiming to get through this 700+ page behemoth in 7-10 pages a day. It's in chronological order, so I'm curious to see how his work evolves.
Among the heftier tomes I've read and enjoyed (all >=500 pages):

Gone with the Wind

The Time Traveler's Wife


The Bible

Trying to get through The Count of Monte Cristo (liking so far, may join this list once finished) so I'll use that as my goal book.

Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent Bugliosi and Curt Gentry
Gaudy Night, Dorothy L. Sayers
Joanna Bator - Ciemno, prawie noc
Read Winter by Marissa Meyer (827 pages)
"Chasing Harry Winston" by Lauren Weisberger

De buitenstaander

Stephen King
Terry Hayes - I am Pilgrim
Hiroshima Nagasaki by Paul Ham
Pandora's Star complete!
Started "Pandora's Star" back in January (?) 2016 with the purpose of meeting:

• This U.R.C. goal

• Read All The Books The Third! Return Of The Revenge Of The Books

• St. Mary's County Library January 2016 "Book With A Blue Cover" challenge
The Final Empire - Brandon Sanderson
Read Winter by Marissa Meyer on 1 January 2016.

Link to review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1112549576
Becky Bloom em Hollywood - Shopaholic to the stars (Sophie Kinsella).
Rachel Vincent - Stray

614 pages

read 9-14 January 2016
Watership Down by Richard Adams (617 pages).
Under the Dome--Stephen King
Breaking Down - Meyer Stephenie