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Make a custom recipe book
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On 3,897 lists and 354 people have done it.
Inspired to actually make one like this.

These are two recipe books made by myself and another student from my old school way back when we all did Food Technology. Both of which feature a variety of healthy recipes of food and drinks, we made during our lessons. As you can see the covers are very different. Mine is digital and made on the computer whereas the other one is hand drawn (absolutely amazing in my opinion)!

I think this time for my cover I'm either going to do it digitally again, hand draw it or do a bit of both. I'm not sure what I will decide on but will keep posted!
It is a work in progress. I make my book in Google Docs. It is very convenient, because I use hyperlinks.
I am going to check this off my list. I look forward to adding my favorite recipes along with my family recipes in this beautiful Recipe Book. This simple Marinara Sauce is so simple to make, and it is delicious as well.
Recipe Book from Portugal Arrived!
The inside of the Recipe Book.
I just ordered a Recipe Book from Portugal. It is made out of recycled wood from doors, and the paper is also recycled.

The shipping was almost as much as the actual Recipe Book!

En sonda yazacağımı en başa ekledim zira en önemli bölüm o. Bu satırları okuyan varsa adresten sonrasına devam etmese de olur :)

Ne zamandır yemek yapmayı öğrenmek istiyordum, birkaç kez el attığım tarifler oldu ama hepsi buhar oldu gitti, her seferinde yeniden google'a başvurmak durumunda kalıyorum. Böyle olunca da bir şeyi öğrenmiş olmuyorsun değil mi? Bu hedefle birlikte el attığım tarifleri derli toplu tutmanın yolu olarak kadın anamın pişirme yöntemlerini dijital ortamda toparlamış olacağım. Kendi adıma google'da kaybolma, bir tarif için birkaç video izleme derdine son! Anamın tarifleri orada işte.
It is a work in progress, but I have tons of my favorite recipes organized and in each one in a sheet protector in a binder now. I just finished it tonight.

My daughter took a bunch of my recipes a couple years ago and actually published them in a hardcover book, but I have since added many more.
Started my custom recipe book today. Now to fill it up!
15/03/18 - Added the first three recipes.
I have ordered a blank recipe book which I plan on using for the "try 50 new recipes challenge".
Done. Karla’s wedding gift.
Purchased a recipe planner 8/12/17
I've been adding recipes to my Wiki.
Sims Family Cookbook June 2016
I'm going to consider my Pinterest page on food the start.
Simple "riced" cauliflower. Baking chicken so its juicy and tender. Smoothie blends for greens and sweetness.
Cookbook will be simple recipes - 6 types with up to 6 of each type. Meat, veggies, dessert, smoothie, vegan "faux dairy", and appetizers.
Gathering up my recipes
Started working on the recipes on November 23, 2013.
This is an orange binder in my kitchen I have started to compile all my favorite recipes.
12/26/2012 Added my first recipe tonight
I'm making a custom digital recipe book for my Mac & iPad. I'm using Paprika and will be entering all my favorite recipes so I can easily get to them in one place. My goal is to have them all on my iPad so I don't have a bookshelf worth of cookbooks taking up room in my kitchen. I've scanned one cookbook made by people at church now to use OCR software and import the data into the program. This will be the first steps in completing this goal.
*Start making a custom cookbook. I want to be continually adding to it, after all.
And cook it all!
- Quesadillas

- Fagioli freschi al sugo
I have a notepad of my own recipes - write up on computer, take photo of each next time I make them and continue to build the book up!
Started typing recipes to a doc file.
Gathering tried and true recipes.
25 recipes - 5 starter, 10 main, 10 dessert.
To be based on Grandmas recipie cards
Appetizer, Side, Main, Dessert - 7 of each
using tastebook.com for my recipe
Possible Sites:

1. Tastebook.com ~ Starting at $19.95 for 25 recipes, Tastebook.com offers customized cookbooks with photos and a binder.

2. CookbookPeople.com ~ The Cookbook People's site offers 3 different ways to show-off your family recipes.
I already have a really basic one, but I need to make a better one.
Must have made and approved each item in recipe book
1. Monchoutaart (L)
2. Tiramisu
Gathering delicious-sounding recipes.
Started to create this book on Bookemon.com (AWESOME Website!!!!) So far I only have 1 recipe in it. May 13th, 2010.
OCT 2010 - 35% of job done.
I am using a new blog & Pinterest to keep track of what I want to put in there. I plan on having it printed with Blurb.
Better Homes and Garden and magazines were SO helpful.. just need to get my mom's and gramma's recipes and go thru some of my cookbooks that I own :)