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Go on a date

Brandon and I had our first date!!

I did it with CJ

Had FUN! I hope there will be a second :)

I had a date this AM & I got stood up :(

With my amazing boyfriend, Corey! It was a great time and we're planning on having many more years of dates. ^_^

Paul <3

Saw here comes the boom and ate at tgi Fridays!

The 15th of Septembre I went to the cinema with a guy, this was my first date, so I was very nervous. But it went well. :)

Date with Nick. August 20, 2012.


I don't know if I'd consider it a real date. That interesting. :P

Allison and I went on a date on May 26, 2012.

Here's hopin'.

When ready of course!

I'm not sure if it was a date exactly...but I'm counting it! :P

Dated jason and john, still looking for a relationship though :/

Jason and John November 2010 - May 2011 :)

3rd June 2011
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