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Go to a wine tasting
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Good Food & Wine Show 2023 with Eve
I found this to be very informative. They explained about each wine you picked off the menu. The staff would also tell you what foods paired well with each wine. The only complaint I had was that if you weren't standing front and center of the bartender it was difficult to hear what was being said. I actually fell in love with a limited release called The Biltmore Estate Chenin Blanc made from a white grape. I bought a bottle on my way out. It's a sweet wine full of flavor. The photo looks like a lot of wine was sampled, but there was about a thimble full in each glass. We tasted five whites, one rose', and four red wines that day.
I went back to the Biltmore Estate, but we visited the winery instead of the house.
I don't think I used the Groupon!
Purchased Groupon for this.
At the Biltmore Estate Winery!
In South Africa!
Caymus 40th Anniversary wine tasting
Sake tasting on Chinese New Year!
O'Chateaux in Paris, France
I have done this before, but it's really funny so... I've done one in Italy and one in Portugal and I'm hoping I can do one in France as well.
We did this in Italy, May 2010. Need to do one in the KC area.
So, this weekend there's gonna be a party called 'Vindimas' which happens in Palmela, a wine producing city near my village, so I guess there will be lots of red wine and moscatel wine for me to taste!