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Say "yes" to something I would not normally do

Finally played a round of Magic with my sons

I'm marking this as done! 26/08/2023
I wasn't sure what activity I would mark this off for, but I'm marking it off now, not for one thing, but for a general increase in attitude to saying yes to *some* things I wouldn't normally.
I wasn't sure what activity I would mark this off for, but I'm marking it off now, not for one thing, but for a general increase in attitude to saying yes to *some* things I wouldn't normally.

An absinthe museum.
I'm getting really good at saying yes
An absinthe museum.
I'm getting really good at saying yes

Went taking a walk into the forest to see the new trail with my parents.

I went to Top Golf, a digitised driving range. This was really not an activity up my alley but I accepted the opportunity regardless. I had a pretty good time too, including teaching little M how to hit a golf ball.

I ordered hair coloring and maintaining stuff from Overtone tonight - I'm going silver, something I thought I'd never do!

Ride the scooter with kids.

I'm going to keep doing this one. Stepping out of my comfort zone is helping me grow!

Bungee jumping

Scientific solutions- apotekarseminarium

Take part in a demonstration (I went to the Youth for Climate demonstration today)

I ate black pudding, and white pudding - something I would NEVER normally say yes to... and I didn't die. They were actually quite tasty...

Starf í fluffunni

Eating seafood...doing a bike tour...swimming in the sea...Barcelona

Cat sitting

Dream interpretation class & Reiki & Readings

I said yes to Rick taking me to Quebec for my birthday and paying for it.

Batida de vodka no natal
vodka suco de maracuja leite condensado e pessego em calda
vodka suco de maracuja leite condensado e pessego em calda

Went mudding!

Gå tur med Mariam uten å ha treft henne før.

When he doesn't chase you
when you walk away,
just keep walking.
when you walk away,
just keep walking.

Samþykkja það að fara í 7 daga yoga ferð með 8 stelpum sem að ég þekkti ekkert.

It's not every day you get photobombed by an alligator! Here's the story...
Eleven years ago I was on honeymoon in South Africa & Zambia and took a trip up the Zambezi in a canoe. An inflatable canoe. All was well till the very last section of the day when I felt something hit the boat, lo (...more)
Eleven years ago I was on honeymoon in South Africa & Zambia and took a trip up the Zambezi in a canoe. An inflatable canoe. All was well till the very last section of the day when I felt something hit the boat, lo (...more)

I went to Long Island Medium with Sondra...Definitely not something I would do without prompting!

Watched the Super Bowl.

I said yes to going dt even though in the end I decided not to go. But I still actually said yes and went to my big's birthday party!

Took a job in AZ

Cousins asked me if I'd like to help them with their mom's pharmacy inventory.
I usually don't like sudden tasks that I know nothing about beforehand.
Felt good to help!
I usually don't like sudden tasks that I know nothing about beforehand.
Felt good to help!

I said yes to meeting someone I met online (Tinder). We met on a Wednesday & Friday he asked if we could meet Sunday afternoon since we both had plans that Saturday & he couldn't wait until next weekend. I would normally say no to something so impromptu.

So there was a band called Niemoc...

Be with someone I just recently met

I agreed to a vacation.

I did part of the Via Ferrata at the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort. August 27, 2016.

Taking over in planning a wedding (3 days before the actual wedding).

I went on a huge scary waterslide with Jason. I initially said no but Jason really wanted to try it so I went and it was actually pretty fun. I cried the first time but then we went on it again. I wouldn't do it by myself though.

Subbed for volleyball

Legion Run! 9.07.16!

Doing 21 Day Fix

Tried tofu

Joined a FB hike :)

Rode a rickety snow cat and spent the night in an off grid cabin

I'm going to be in the pit orchestra for Seward's production of Peter Pan. I'm not going to say "I don't have time." I have the time for what is important.

Comprar vestido de rayas pegado en Primark.

Allowing JF to drive me around Chiang Mai on a motorbike is within the realm of things I'd normally say no to. Especially on the highways. He hasn't killed or injured me yet though, so I have to give him props for that.


Took part in the gift drive at work. I found one for a little girl who wanted "mindcraft" which called out to me; I love that game, and would happily share it with anyone, but normally I wouldn't have given the giving tree a second glance (in true Scrooge McDuck-ian fashion). I'm glad I s (...more)

Ja zeggen tegen dingen waar ik normaal nee tegen zou zeggen omdat het afwijkt van mijn planning (bijv met Amber naar kerstfeest locatie gaan kijken terwijl ik eigenlijk had gepland om te gaan sporten).

Testade ny mat: Xorta, bläckfisk, friterad fetaost

Salsa dancing in Bosnia
Many things during summer 2015
Many things during summer 2015

I said "yes" to going to play in the rain instead of insisting it was time for the girls to nap. :)

(with Jeff while on the way back from Toronto)

Ate fried grasshoppers in guacamole in Mexico (Paradisus RMY Fam Sept 2015)

Shot a Gun at the range!

Went swimming...
Challenge Courage Growth Risk-Taking Spontaneity Experimentation Open-Mindedness Exploring New Experiences Novelty Fearlessness
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