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Create a budget and stick to it
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We created a family no-spend competition for 2020. Everyone is excited and super competitive about it....except Ashlyn, who is mad that she can't have ice cream any time she wants any more.
Budget and spreadsheet set up - 27/12/19

Budget created 3/1/19 using GoodBudget App on Google Play.
Set up a Roth IRA 13/10/18
August 2017: Finally brought my savings over 1000 Euro. Traveling is almost an option again!
August 2017: Finally brought my savings over 1000 Euro. Traveling is almost an option again!
Created on January 31st
Budget is created; now I just have to stick to it!
I was looking at my finances yesterday and realized I have NO IDEA why I'm not overdrawn. Definitely time to make some changes. Just quit smoking, which will save $50/week, plus quit eating breakfast at Starbucks - another $15. Hoping to quit Starbucks altogether soon. Total savings after quitting Starbucks and smoking will be $430/month = $5,000+ per year.
New plan made. Gonna track my spendings.
decided on the amount of daily spending today...

we'll see how it goes.
Started a budget. Looking good so far.
Spend no more then 10 euro at the groceries store. Had dinner, dessert and food for the next 2 days.
Created a budget for January!
Not spend more than 95 Euro per month on food and beverages.
We went over a little in one area this month, but we cut back in another area to make up for it.
It's tough, but we are doing our best.
We recently adjusted the budget to allow for tithing, my car insurance, and my car payment.
The budget's created - now all I've got to do is stick to it!
While we have not been 100% spot on for everything, we have more or less stuck to the budget so far (most of the overages were "unforseen events" like a car having troubles).
Created a rough budget this week based on the spending tracking I did earlier in the month. I separated fixed costs from discretionary/variable items. Since I put the data together in a spreadsheet and added calculations, I can see how much "play" I have in my budget and what making changes to certain categories will do to my over-all ability to live within or beneath my means. Now to try to implement the spending plan. I'll re-evaluate at the end of October to see how successful I've been and whether I need to make some changes.
failed badly this month because of 3 vet visits this month.. :(
Food: $50/week

Booze: $10/week
Made some envelopes with money for clothes, food, bike, Poppy, savings, and ticket. Still don't have a bank account here on Bali, so have to do it the old fashioned way. Seems to work, till today i'm on schedule.
4th Apr '12 - Moved all direct debits/standing orders to 1st of the month. £500 in bills will come out of D's wages and £225 in food, travel, pets and an allowance will come out of mine. We get paid weekly, so D's wages will stay in her account and not get touched and once I've bought everything I need to, I'll deposit the rest of mine. After each monthly bills come off, whatevers left can go to pay things off, save or for a treat. Or all three!
For food and household bills so i stop using my overdraft. And save to go to OZ
1 year Budget Created April 30th.
First Pay period: Done!
18th Jan '12 - Fell by the way side when we moved. I'm now gonna re do. Thank goodness rent is a lot cheaper :)

11th Sept '11 - Wrote down all our bills and the usual things we spend money on and took that out of our earnings. I've allocated us an allowance for each week so we don't dip into the money in our accounts so that the rest can be saved for building up our emergency fund :) Once we start working to this budget, I'll start seeing what I can reduce from what we need to spend
2011 budget created for student bank loan. Ouch!
kinda have to when you're poor ;)
Budget created 11/1 and have stuck to it so far.
Enkel budget op de betaalrekening laten staan, rest naar spaarrekening.
I have set up a few different scenerios for a debt repayment plan using a microsoft spread sheet. Also tweaked my current budget plan by adding a couple different scenerios for a budget...both for when I am working and getting a paycheck and for when I am layed off on less income. I think the 'create a budget' portion of this task is complete, but I will give it some time before I will check it off as 'done' just to make sure I will 'stick to it'. Perhaps a 6 month trial (starting in September) is appropriate? Hopefully I will be checking this off as 'DONE' in FEBRUARY 2012!!!
starting in october...when school starts.
created a budget and testing it out to see if it is realistic. I think I need to make adjustments, but we will see. I used microsoft excel to make a spread sheet and tips from the show 'Til Debt Do Us Part' on TV.
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A budget is a calculation plan, usually but not always financial, for a defined period, often one year or a month. A budget may include anticipated sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities including time, costs and expenses, environmental impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, other impacts, assets, liabilities and cash flows. Companies, governments, families, and other organizations use budgets to express strategic plans of activities in measurable terms.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Budget and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).