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Soulmate Searching
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One person wants to do this. .
I am done with exchanging frog kisses.

I am done with the sideways insults and comments such as

"You need to gain more weight"

"I don't like you as much as you like me."

"I don't know how to feel about you, but you have potential"

"People SAY they want a virgin but they don't really want one."

If I have to chant with donkeys and waltz with dogs

one more time

I am going to run away from this dating scene with its

un-apologies and shit

I have enough purses, I don't need another douche bag

I am not to make one more vision board for

the love of my life who is somewhere out there

with no GPS to my heart.

Either come to my door with a receipt

or don't come to my door at all if you even exist

or maybe I should cast a circle and here you come

The only reason I haven't given up is because

I have seen people one would have never expect to find a soulmate

find a soulmate

I'm talking about predators and beaters and drinkers and liars and people with

the face of a potato gone wrong and slobs and mouths that cause congregations to snore

every Sunday.

I won't give up, but dang it a closed mouth

isn't heard!!!