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Graduate College
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On 2,546 lists and 1,280 people have done it.
Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
I graduated in 2014 with my Bachelor's at age 31 after 11 years of on and off going to school, changing majors, etc. I felt so much guilt and shame over those years for not finishing in 4 years like "everyone else" and I'm here to tell you it will feel GREAT whenever you do finish and guess what---6 years later no one has ever randomly asked me what year I finished school or how long it took. Just take life ONE SEMESTER at a time, at the end of the day it's just checking off your credits to 120 and sometimes you will have a set back here or there...just think of it as a tiny stumble in that 3-4 month period and get back on track, don't bully yourself over having to drop a class or take a semester off. You can do it!!! I believe in you :)
Enfin!! J'ai fini mes études supérieures! Ce master a été une vraie torture mais maintenant c'est terminé!
Phew! It was hard but I passed my last exam! I may not realize it now but that is such a relief!
Today I passed my literature exam. I was really nervous and was thinking about running away but I managed to stay. :D I was worth it, only one exam to go.
Today I succesfully defended my bachelor's thesis, I feel a little relief but I have still two exams awaiting me. Hopefully it won't take long because I just want it to be over soon.
I am getting closer to graduating, my final state exams are coming and I am really nervous, sometimes I am sure I can make it, sometimes I doubt myself. I cannot wait for this stressful period to be over.
Graduated Ohio Media School
Graduated with flying colours!! Time for new adventures!
Get excellent grades and pay attention.
4 more quarters to go! You got this!
I got my first Bachelor's Degree and have already started on the next so happy to say I graduated college.
In school finishing my degree as of January 2014. Last semester expected graduation August 2014!!
Technically just walked but hey it was the official commencement so it counts! 1 semester left.
In the auditorium at the graduation day. Finally, finally! Taken from Universitas Padjadjaran (our university)'s official site.
At my graduation day. My friends (Tidy, Grace, and Rini) made me wear the accessories. They also brought cheese cake so they were all forgiven :)
Finished my MAED/AET on 11.18.2013
Graduated! Even spoke at the ceremony :D
May 20th, 2013: The Colorado College

BA- Classics/History/Politics
Only a year and a half to go!!!
Graduated with a Bachelors of Science in History from Northern Michigan University on 12/15/12.
Graduating from Northern Michigan University. Dec. 15th, 2012.
I discovered a website called Educational Portal where I can take free college course and then take the CLEP exams to gain credit for the course. I also found out that the university in my area accepts these credits!
Third year second semester..... whooo.. I can do this :)
I have one year of college left. I've been on a hiatus for several reasons for the last 3 years. I hope to be back in school by January of 2013. *fingers crossed*
I am a senior yaay :)
Bachelor in Applied Statistics

Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Graduated May 11,2012
Yeah, so this one is kind of a cheat because I'm 7/8 of the way there already. But I'm doing it anyway - ha!
I'm a sophomore college student.
this will be done in May 2010
Finished my Bachelor?s degree in 2007 and then a masters degree in 2009.
Bachelor's of Awesome
Educational/career goal
Graduated on September 26th 2011
Accepted, appointment made to talk to Academic Advisement. Filled out fafsa. Register(ing/ed) for classes. Applied for graduation November 29.
Almost half-way through the semester and apart from some illness, I am holding on alright!
As of now I only have to pass 17 credit hours to achieve this goal.
one day at a time...
Graduated on September 26th 2011
currently in school
Graduation was May 6, 2011. Awaiting my diploma's arrival in the mail.