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Adopt an animal

It has been a long time since I last posted here. A really long time. A lot has happened. Good things and devastatingly bad things. This boy is one of the good things. Unexpected, but good! His name is Chaia, he is four, and I adopted him from a domestic abuse situation. He is such a funny (...more)

His name is Ketchup. He is my sister's fish. But I am babysitting him for the summer.

We adopted a rescue puppy named Allie on 9/13!

Adopted this little monster Pom



Here's our new kitty!!! Her name is Grizzly!!! She is such a cutie!!!

Started the first baby step in reaching this goal. I am currently exploring the possibility of us adopting an animal from the local zoo. A wolf or an eagle would be lovely ;)

He was wandering around a supermarket, hidding under cars, when a handyman from my mom's work took him from there. He was still all alone, though, so I adopted this handsome gentleman and called him Sir William Brown. Or Willie, he likes that one too :)
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