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Plant a tree

I planted a rose bush. That'll do.

I donated to One Tree Planted for ten trees. While I would have liked to do something local, we cannot plant anything in our yard so I felt this was a reasonable compromise. Ten new trees being planted in British Columbia to help replace ones lost in 2017s wildfires.

Completed the weekend after earth day only because it snowed on earth day 2021.

I planted 2 trees for my garden
They are dwarf Lilacs
They are dwarf Lilacs

I feel like I accomplished this project. Once the stem was tall enough I planted it a small pot with organic soil. I will keep increasing the pot size as it grows until I eventually plant it outside in the ground. I have never planted a tree before beginning from the seed. I hope it survives.

This bad boy is a Florida avocado seed. There avocados are extremely large as you can tell by the size of this seed. I googled how to grow an avocado tree from a seed. The seed is egg shaped . You submerge the broader part of the seed in water keeping the narrow top above water. The tap ro (...more)

I grow 3 avocados. I love it!

We planted more trees in our garden :)

Planted 2 Japanese Maples, 1 Lilac, and 1 Red Maple at the house.

kastanis kāzās


$138 to plant and buy the tree.

Find a meaningful public area to plant, and make it somewhere that is attractive for yearly photos.

Bald Cypress in the backyard

And not just one , but about 6O little trees ! Of course ,not just by myself but with my two great classmates ;)

Bought a Pussy Willow - i'm in love with it :-)

i want to plant too many trees by the road side.. and live to see them grow

Chestnut and summer stars dogwood

Replanted satsuma tree Beau gave me for my 31st birthday.

No space in my yard, so I joined the Arbor Day Foundation and they're planting 10 trees in a forest for me!

Brent and I planted a tree as one of our intentions of hospitality for our wedding/marriage.

4 cute tiny lemon trees. Hope they are gonna grow nicely, big and strong

Planted a dogwood in honor of my mom who passed away April 4th.

A christmas tree

More than 20 trees on a voluntary program, Oct 2012 @ Teleorman, Poroschia

Planted 8 trees in side yard

Seed from an apple I was randomly eating. It lived for almost 4 years. Not quite sure what happened then :')

I was like four, but its still at my grandparents house :-)

Amoreira 31.3.2012

in honor of bingo


I planted a flower, does it count?

Currently growing in a pot. Will probably plant out next Spring

preferably a willow tree that i'd be able to sit on and strike up a conversation with like i'm the new disney pochahontas

Ben Yen lemon - usually wouldn't plant at this time of year - but a big tree for $6 too much of a bargain to pass up! and its doing fine.

Planted several in Thorpe Meadows

Task completed in 08.09.2011. During the exchange in Belgium we plant a "tolerance tree" Location: Botassart-sur-Semois, Waloon region, Belgium.

Planted many fucking trees!

TRUenergy Conservation Volunteer Day 03/08/2010.

When I originally put this on my list I was planning on planting a tree in my community...but I went for one in my own yard instead! I chose a Red Prince W something or other. Looks pretty!

Entered dollar bill info on 1/21/2012.

Entered dollar bill information on 1/21/2012.

Completed 6th August 2011 -
Calypso Eucalyptus planted in my backyard!
Calypso Eucalyptus planted in my backyard!
Nature Conservation Sustainability Forests Landscaping Environment Gardening Eco-Friendly Green Living Ecology Sustainable Development Climate Change Natural Resources Renewable Energy
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