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Make a pie on Pi day
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On 1,059 lists and 191 people have done it.
Missed my last chance for this goal as we were out of country. Will add to next list.
Made an apple pie today for Pi Day!
Made a vegan Cherry Pie on 3/14/21
Got the créme fraíche I needed so here's my Clementine Chess Pie.
I have to have SOME "gimmes", right?

I think the twist will be taking on a new variety.

Probably Chess Pie. The name is nerdy so it kind of fits in. 😜

EDIT: COVID-19 shortages meant I haven't been able to buy the créme fraíche for the recipe. I will still count this once made even though it won't happen on 03/14 now.
Made 2 pumpkin pies from scratch!
3 pies for dessert. Cherry, Blueberry and Chocolate. The chocolate pie was a vegan take on a cheese cake. People were trying to guess what the main ingredients was, however no one guessed it was avocado. It was so delicious. I’ll definitely make it again.
1st course consisted of 4 pies. Steak and Guinness, Leek/mushroom and Guinness, Tourtiere, and Turkey Pot Pie. They were all delicious 😋
Chicken & Broccoli Pie
Made a bunch of mini pies with Henry!
March 14th, 2019 or 2020
Fat Elvis via Hoosier Mama's Pie cookbook
Used frozen blueberries picked from last summer.
Homemade Steak and Mushroom pie
Breakfast Pie -

Snack Pie -

Dinner Pie -

Dessert Pie -

Made an oreo cream pie for pi day with 3.14159 written in blue icing.
We made a chocolate pie!

Picture will be added later on ;)
Broccoli and bacon pie!
Apple pie on 3.14.15 (aka best Pi day ever!).
Made a pi pie with Jaelynn on pie day--chocolate hazelnut pudding pie with a chocolate crust!
Chocolate cream pie with chocolate chips, almonds, and hand-whipped cream. :)

Happy Pi Day!
Finished!!! - Mommy and Jaelynn, March 14,2015
Bad Baby Pie aka I Don't Want Earl's Baby Pie, recipe from the wonderful movie Waitress, directed by the late Adrienne Shelley.
(2 remaining chances: 3/14/14, 3/14/15)
Lemon meringue, 13.03.14
Made a very good chicken pie :)
What makes a pie a Pi pie? Pi!
I lost a bet recently, with an applepie at stake, so today is the day I wil pay my depts.
My cherry lattice pie looks like something a child made all by themselves!
I didn't technically make the pie today on Pi Day (3.14 in the US date format) because I have work today and a concert tonight, but I did it yesterday in preparation for eating it today.

I started with a simple a tomato, goat's cheese & thyme tart with puff pastry yesterday for dinner, and spent the rest of the evening attempting a cherry lattice pie.

Making the pastry from scratch - even with a food processor and with a friend supervising - was very difficult and I clearly didn't do a great job because I couldn't shape or cut it without it falling apart, so I ended up amateurly putting it together in the bowl. It looks charming though, like something a child made all by themselves!

As I didn't have a pie tin I used a casserole dish to bake it, which would cook it a little differently.

I don't know if I want to do this again. I enjoy using ready-made pastry for pies and tarts but making my own might not be for me.

The tart was delicious. The pie, which has been partially eaten for breakfast, was also tasty but more for the cherries than the pastry, which tastes like a biscuit that sticks together a bit in your mouth. It certainly is nice, but I've had better.
Apple, Banana Cream, Cherry Tarts and Chocolate
Strawberry Rhubarb - 3/14/2012
I made a half blueberry, half cherry pi day pie!
Made a strawberry crumble pie even made the crust!
Happy Pi day!!! 24 Mini Cherry Pies!!!
mini cherry pies! with pi shaped vent holes!
I am making apple and cherry pie mini pies for my husband to take to work.
Pi Day is 3/14
pi day is march 16?
I've always wanted to celebrate this day and this seems like a pretty good idea (thanks to whomever posted this task first!)
Also my moms birthday!
This is for march the 14th 2012, hope I don't forget...
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Pi Day
Pi Day and Pi Approximation Day are two unofficial holidays held to celebrate the mathematical constant π (pi). Pi Day is celebrated on March 14, or in the month/day date format as 3/14; since 3, 1 and 4 are the three most significant digits of π. March 14 is also the birthday of Albert Einstein so the two events are sometimes celebrated together. Pi Approximation Day is held on July 22, or in the more common day/month date format as 22/7, which is an approximate value of π.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article on Pi Day and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (view authors).