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Sudan is the largest country in Africa and tenth largest in the world, bordering Egypt, Eritrea, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya and Uganda. Getting a visa for Sudan is an expensive hit-and-miss affair, but if you do manage to get in, and you stick to the safe areas, you will probably have a fantastic experience. The Sudanese people are very hospitable, and you can visit some awesome tourist attractions without even seeing another tourist.
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Experience the rich blend of history and culture in Khartoum, where the Blue and White Nile rivers converge.

Ancient Pyramids of Meroe
Meroe was an ancient city on the east bank of the Nile approximately 200 km north-east of Khartoum. At the site of the city of Meroe are more than two hundred Nubian pyramids in three groups, of which many are in ruins."
Source: trekearth.com