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🤔 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" / 🤐 Don't complain about anything for a week / 🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🙏 Make a list of 100 things that I am grateful for / 🌈 Make a list of the simple things that make me happy / 💰 Go a week without buying anything / 😊 Make a list of 25 things that I like about myself and stick it to my mirror / 😊 Be happy / Do not complain for a week / Start a gratitude journal, write down one thing I am thankful for every day for a year / Buy nothing for a week / Note one good thing that happens every day for a month / Don't complain about anything for a month / Don't complain for a week / List ten things that made me happy on the last day of every month / Make a list of 101 things that are joyous / Don't buy anything for a week / Keep a gratitude journal / Spend a rainy day watching movies in my PJs / Don't complain about anything for a day / Leave a 100% tip for a server / Start finding a positive in each day / Stop comparing myself to other people / Stop being jealous of others / Stop worrying / Don't complain about anything for one week / Find peace with myself / Find true happiness / Start a daily gratitude journal / Be more happy / Find happiness / Find my muse / Stop complaining for a week / Try being happy whatever happens / Find contentedness / Go a month without buying anything unnecessary / Find a sense of happiness in the status quo / 🙏 Write down one thing that I'm thankful for everyday for a month / Stop complaining for a month / Stop complaining for an entire week / Complete a 52 Weeks Of Gratitude Challenge / Write in a gratitude journal / Experience bliss / Learn to be happy all the time / Be as happy as i can be / Name three things that I am greatful for, everyday for 21 days / Live long and die happy / Know how it feels to be loved /