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🎶 Go to a concert / 🌅 Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day / 🎈 Ride in a hot air balloon / 🎓 Graduate / 🛩 Go skydiving / 🎶 Go to a music festival / 🏯 Visit the Great Wall of China CHINA / 🚣♂️ Go white water rafting / 🎶 Attend a music festival in another country / 🚗 Visit all 50 states / 🏛 Visit Rome ITALY / 🎉 Go to a festival / 🪂 Skydive / 😘 Have my first kiss / Visit a museum / Make a list of things to do before I die / 🪂 Go parasailing / Go to Europe / 🛫 Fly first class / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / 👭 Go on holiday with friends / 💃 Spend an entire night out with friends and don't return home until daylight / 🎺 Listen to a live jazz band / 🗼 Visit the Eiffel Tower PARIS / 🌧️ Kiss someone in the rain / 🎤 Go to a live concert / Take a train somewhere / 🛫 Visit a friend in a different country / 🎉 Spend New Year's Eve in another country / 📸 Document one month of my life in photographs / 🎡 Kiss at the top of London Eye / Visit a new state / Visit a new city / Fly in a hot air balloon / 🎶 Attend an outdoor concert / See the Las Vegas Strip NEVADA / Go on a vacation / Take a hot air balloon ride / Go zip-lining / Visit another continent / Update my CV / 🎤 Attend a live concert / Go on a hot air balloon ride / 🎉 Go to Burning Man NEVADA / 🎡 Ride the London Eye LONDON / Go paragliding / Take my Mom on the trip of her choice / Visit a foreign country / 💋 Kiss on top of the Eiffel Tower FRANCE / 🍦 Go to the Ben & Jerry's factory / 🏙 Visit 10 new cities / Watch the sun rise and set on the same day / Go on a roadtrip with my best friends / Do a bungee jump / Ride a hot air balloon / Visit India / 🛫 Visit a new continent / Travel to 10 new cities / Attend a live taping of a TV show or talk show / Watch the sun rise and set in the same day / Kiss someone from each continent / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / 🪂 Do a parachute jump / Go on a helicopter ride / Visit 3 new countries / 🏅 Attend the Summer Olympics / Visit a state I've never been to / 🎭 Go to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Travel the world / Attend 3 concerts / Go up the Eiffel Tower PARIS / Visit 5 new cities / See the sun rise and set in the same day / Go to a midnight screening of a movie / List 100 things that make me happy / Visit three new countries / Go to a big music festival / Visit 5 different countries / Visit 5 new countries / Go to a midnight movie showing / Do one thing a month I have never done / Visit five cities I have never visited / Visit one new state / Attend a professional sporting event / Take a trip to Vegas / Visit a different continent / Go to Prague / Visit 3 new cities / Go to an IMAX movie / Listen to 10 classic albums all the way through / Go hanggliding / Go to all 50 states / 🏟️ Go to a live professional sporting event / Mentor someone / Visit all seven continents / 🌵 Go to SXSW TEXAS / Go clubbing in another country / See New Years fireworks in London / Take a ride in a hot air balloon / Treat my parents to lunch at a nice restaurant / Bring in the New Year in another country / 🎸 See Coldplay in concert / Listen to a new artist a month for a year / 🦈 Cage dive with sharks / See one of my favorite bands live / Be front row for a concert / Visit 5 states I've never been to / Go to 5 different museums in 5 different cities / Visit at least five different countries / 🎉 Visit India during the Holi festival INDIA / Ride in a hot-air balloon / Go to a wine festival / 🛫 Travel to 5 new countries / Visit Australia / New Zealand / Visit the Forum in Rome ITALY / Visit another state / Visit a new museum / Go ziplining at night / Listen to a new song every day for a year / Attend a music festival abroad / Complete an internship / Climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Go to a music festival in another country / Watch the sunrise and sunset in one day / Kiss under a waterfall / Make a trip around the world / Go to Hollywood / Visit a state I have never been to / Ride in a hot air ballon / Visit the Alamo in San Antonio TEXAS / 🛥️ Do a Maid of the Mist boat tour for a close-up view of Niagara Falls CANADA / 🎉 Visit Brazil during Carnivale / Take a cocktail making class / Do a skydive / Smoke a hookah / 🖼️ Visit the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston MASSACHUSETTS / Ride on a San Francisco cable car CALIFORNIA / Take a ride on London's Eye ENGLAND / Visit Spain and practice speaking Spanish / Go to Singapore / Ride a zipline / Drink a beer at Oktoberfest in Germany GERMANY / 🎸 Go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame OHIO / Sail a boat / Parachute jump / 🥤 Visit the World of Coca Cola GEORGIA / Visit Warsaw POLAND / Horseback ride on the beach / Spend New Year's Eve in a different State / Visit a city I've never been to / Set foot on all 7 continents / See U2 in concert / Ride in a gondola / Ride a Boat Through Glowworm Cave in Waitomo NEW ZEALAND / Travel out of state / Explore Mall of America MINNESOTA / Watch the sunrise & sunset in one day / Attend a major league baseball game / Go to a UNESCO World Heritage site / Take a vacation to somewhere new / Go to Las Vegas for New Years / Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival SCOTLAND / Attend a jazz festival / Visit 5 new restaurants / Visit 6 continents / 🍷 Participate in a wine tasting / Go to a real brasserie and drink traditional Italian coffee ITALY / Win a game of chess / Attend a baseball game / Ride a camel into the desert / 🎤 See Michael Buble in concert / Take a surfing lesson / 🏎️ Attend the Daytona 500 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Enjoy coffee and cake at a local Kaffeehaus AUSTRIA / 📚 Read a book that is by an author from Southeast Asia / Listen to a new album each week for one month / 🏉 Attend the Rugby World Cup / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / See Beyonce in concert / Visit 10 new countries / 🎤 See Taylor Swift live / 🐂 Run with the bulls at the Festival of San Fermin in Pamplona SPAIN / 🏭 Explore the Guinness Storehouse in Dublin IRELAND / Go to Oktoberfest in Germany / 🏉 Attend an All Blacks Rugby Game / Ride an elephant in Thailand THAILAND / Go to the Super Bowl UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / Step foot on all 7 continents / Go to an outdoor music festival / Do the trans-mongolian railway train journey / 🐪 Go on a Camel Ride in Morocco MOROCCO / Climb Mt. Fuji JAPAN / Take a cruise to Alaska / Ride a gondola / Watch the sunset and sunrise in the same day / ❄️ Sleep in an igloo / Take a Camel Trek in the Sahara / Watch a Burlesque Show in Paris FRANCE / Go to the Sydney Opera House / Visit a new UNESCO World Heritage Site / Visit Crown Casino AUSTRALIA / 🏟️ See a game at the Rogers Centre CANADA / Go to a performance at the Sydney Opera House / 🤖 Eat at the Robot Restaurant in Tokyo JAPAN / Be a mentor to someone / Ride a helicopter / Visit 5 European countries / Learn to tango in Argentina / Go hot air ballooning in Coppadocia TURKEY / 🕯️ Take a candlelit cruise along the canals of Amsterdam NETHERLANDS / Partake in a Food Fight / Attend the Rio Carnaval / Take a Gondola Ride at the Venetian NEVADA / Have a Devon cream tea / 🏟️ Attend a football game at Maracanã Stadium BRAZIL / 🏏 Go to a cricket match / Visit BMW Welt GERMANY / Visit 10 countries / Climb the Harbour Bridge AUSTRALIA / Whitewater raft / 🏟️ See a football match at Camp Nou SPAIN / 🎶 See Dave Matthews in concert / See John Mayer in concert / Be part of a live studio audience / 🦇 Dine at the Vampire Cafe in Tokyo JAPAN / Go indoor skydiving at the Airkix wind tunnel ENGLAND / 🏄 Try Sandboarding in Peru PERU / Do a tandem sky dive / Visit Shanghai CHINA / Go to the Australian Open / Eat a meal at the Dinner In the Sky restaurant ITALY / Teach a child something I wish I knew at that age / Watch an opera in Vienna / Go to the Melbourne Comedy Festival AUSTRALIA / Be a mentor / Visit a traditional Korean Folk Village SOUTH KOREA / Dine at the height of 100m overlooking the world's biggest harbour in Rotterdam NETHERLANDS / 🎫 See an event at Tokyo Dome JAPAN / Complete the Three Peaks Challenge UNITED KINGDOM / Go to an opera at the Sydney Opera House / Visit Rabat MOROCCO / Learn a new skill or hobby / Eat a Philly Cheesesteak in Philadelphia PHILADELPHIA / Go on a photo excursion once every month / Be someone's mentor / Enjoy a freshly rolled cigar in Cuba / Go Black Water Rafting in Waitomo NEW ZEALAND / Attend the London Glassblowing workshops ENGLAND / Attend the Buenos Aires Tango Festival ARGENTINA / Develop a soundtrack for every month for an entire year / Take a hot-air balloon flight over the Red Centre AUSTRALIA / Smoke a Cuban Cigar at Havana CUBA / 🍸 Visit the House of Bols NETHERLANDS / Visit the Heineken Experience NETHERLANDS / Tree-Climb Chilkat ALASKA / Attend the Maryland Renaissance Festival MARYLAND / Attend the Edinburgh International Festival SCOTLAND / Visit Maker's Mark Distillery KENTUCKY / 🥊 Attend a Heavyweight Title Fight at Madison Square Garden NEW YORK / Go shark cage diving / 🏟️ Watch a football match at Wembley / Go Ziplining in Puerta Vallarta MEXICO / Kiss a girl from each continent / Visit Suzhou CHINA / Go to an Australian Open tennis match / Go to the US Open / Grab a seat at the Australian Open AUSTRALIA / See an Opera at the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden ENGLAND / Attend the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona SPAIN / 🏏 Attend the Cricket World Cup / Attend a Real Madrid match / Get a Drink at the World's Highest Bar (Ozone Bar) HONG KONG / Visit all of the casinos in Atlantic City / See Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers in concert / 🎶 Attend a U2 concert in Ireland / Attend the Salzburg Festival (Salzburger Festspiele) AUSTRIA / Have a drink in the "highest pub in Ireland", Johnny Fox IRELAND / Bike across America UNITED STATES OF AMERICA / 🏟️ Watch an Arsenal game in Emirates Stadium LONDON / Visit the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Climb Sydney Harbour Bridge / Go hot-air ballooning at Château-d'Oex SWITZERLAND / Visit Antananarivo MADAGASCAR / Go to the U.S. Open / Go to an All Blacks game in NZ / Attend a Top Gear Show ENGLAND / 🎺 Attend the Festival Internacional de Jazz SPAIN / Walk a suspension bridge / Attend a full moon party in Thailand / Learn about the refining, aging, blending and bottling process on a Rum tasting tour BARBADOS / Attend the Cambridge Science Festival ENGLAND / 🥃 Go on the Glenmorangie Distillery Tour SCOTLAND / See Jack Johnson live / 🏉 Attend the Hong Kong Sevens HONG KONG / Attend Carnaval in Brazil BRAZIL / Go up an Ascensor of Valparaiso CHILE / Ride an elephant around the Angkor Temples CAMBODIA / Visit the Grand Bahama Island BAHAMAS / Attend Nieuwjaarsduik NETHERLANDS / See the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne AUSTRALIA /