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🏕 Go camping / 🧺 Go on a picnic / 🪁 Fly a kite / 💦 Run through the garden sprinkler / 🎁 Start a new tradition / 🍪 Bake cookies / 👼 Make snow angels / 🎲 Have a family game night / 🛷 Go sledding / Take my parents out to dinner and pay for it / Take my parents out to dinner / Cook dinner for my family / Send my parents on a vacation / Have a board game night / Jump in a pile of leaves / 🔥 Toast marshmallows on a fire / Go ice-skating / Go on a camping trip / Finish a game of Monopoly / Take a family portrait / Complete a 1000+ piece puzzle / Walk through a corn maze / Go on a family vacation / Go to an outdoor movie / 🏕️ Camp out in the backyard / Get a family picture taken / Go a week without TV / Make a list of 100 things I want to do before I die / 🏊♂️ Go swimming in a lake / Start a holiday tradition / Go without TV for a week / Have a family portrait taken / Go electronic free for a weekend (no cell, tv, internet, computer) / Have a traditional picnic in a park / 📚 Read a book to a child / Start a new family tradition / Take a family vacation / Complete a 1000+ piece jigsaw puzzle / Go mini-golfing / 🪁 Fly a kite at the beach / Spend an entire day outside / Have a picnic in a tree / Try ice skating / Have a Christmas movie night / Make a blanket or box fort / 🏕️ Go camping in my backyard / Spend a weekend without using the computer / 🎄 Have a real Christmas tree / Make a kite and fly it / Treat my parents to lunch at a nice restaurant / Fly a kite on the beach / Start a family Christmas tradition / Cook an entire meal for my family / Read a book out loud to someone else / Hold a newborn baby / Go on a family holiday / Make and fly a kite / Start my own Christmas traditions / Buy a new bicycle / Go sledding or ice-skating / Go a day without internet every month for a year / Make donuts or churros at home / Take my kids camping / Sleep in a tent in the backyard / Have family photos taken / Take a trip with a parent / Take the kids to Disneyland CALIFORNIA / Go sledging / Take a family portrait every year / Picnic at the beach / Run through a sprinkler / Go cherry picking / Make a rope swing! / Organize a family portrait / ⛄️ Build a snowman with the kids / Go a day without television every month for a year / Start a new Christmas tradition / Play a board game / Buy a trampoline / Start a family tradition / Make a quilt with Mom / Have a game night with family / 🎃 Go to a pumpkin patch and pick out a pumpkin to carve / Volunteer as a family / 💭 Blow bubbles with a bubble wand / 🏖️ Build a sandcastle at the beach / Get family portraits done / 🖍️ Play with sidewalk chalk / Go camping and make s'mores around the campfire / ⛄️ Build a snowman in Central Park / Have a picnic on the lawns around Ottawa River CANADA / Have a picnic at the banks of the Great Lakes in Toronto CANADA / 🪁 Fly a kite in the park / Buy a hot tub / 🌳 Visit the park where I used to play as a child / 👨👩👧 Watch old family videos and look at photo albums / 🎄 Go to a Christmas tree farm and cut down a tree / 🤸♂️ Go to a trampoline park and jump like I did as a kid / Build a fire pit and roast marshmallows / Plan and build a garden for the kids / Ride a merry-go-round / Make a tire swing / Build a sandcastle on the beach / Buy an inflatable pool / Have a game of croquet / Ride on a carousel / Eat a smore / Have a game of bocce ball / Celebrate Christmas in Antwerp BELGIUM / Toast marshmallows on a bonfire / Have family portraits taken / Have a picnic at the orchards along the bank of the Euphrates SYRIA / Treat my parents to dinner at a nice restaurant / Play in a sprinkler / 🎲 Play 5 different board games / Read Harry Potter to my Children / Run through a garden sprinkler / Go on a slip n slide / Live in a house with a garden / Cook dinner at home at least three nights a week for a month / Take a family vacation in an RV / Go camping in each of the seasons / Run under a sprinkler / Picnic at the seaside park at Liepāja LATVIA / Roast marshmallows on a campfire / Start visiting my mum at least once a month / Go Camping in Fundy National Park / Have a picnic in a new park / Make a tree swing / Meet my Grandchildren / Have a water balloon fight in the park / Float down a lazy river / Start a new family Christmas tradition / Start a few family holiday traditions / Remake childhood photo's / Spend Christmas, with my family, in a Cabin, in the snow in the mountains / Go camping in the Smokey Mountains / Watch 'A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving' / Host a Thanksgiving Movie Marathon / Have a picnic at the Daman-e-Koh in Islamabad PAKISTAN / Relax in Parque Morazan COSTA RICA / Spend the day at Taesongsan Recreation Ground NORTH KOREA / 🍿 Make my own popcorn / Eat bagels / Spend the day at Serasa beach BRUNEI / Go on a picnic to Minsk Lake BELARUS / Picnic at Rawal Lake near Islamabad PAKISTAN / Picnic at a park at Brandenburg GERMANY / Build my own outdoor pizza oven / Float in a plastic kiddie pool / Create personal outdoor movie theater / Eat lunch with my nephew at his school / Go to the circus with my niece / Family board game night / Make Christmas Cookie Baking a Tradition with my son /