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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🧶 Learn to knit / 🧶 Knit a scarf / 🧶 Learn to crochet / Make a piece of jewelry / Learn how to knit / Entertain the elderly at a nursing home / Knit a sweater / 🧶 Crochet a blanket / Pick 3 things to start and finish on / Buy a sewing machine / Knit a pair of socks / Knit myself a scarf / Get a new hobby / Learn a new craft / Learn to knit a scarf / Make 5 things from / Make an article of clothing / Knit a hat / Knit something other than a scarf / Finish a knitting project / Complete a knitting project / Knit a pair of socks for myself / Knit a jumper / Knit a sweater for myself / Learn to knit socks / Start a new hobby / Learn to make jewellery / Design and make a piece of clothing / Knit a rainbow scarf / Crochet an afghan / Do a craft project every month for a year / Knit a pair of mitts / Make a hat / Make a rug / Knit a baby blanket / Take a knitting class / Knit a cardigan / Complete a crochet project every month for a year / Knit a pair of mittens / Knit an afghan / Knit myself a sweater / Learn how to knit socks / Knit a pair of gloves / Learn to spin wool / Build something with my own two hands / Knit an item of clothing / Get stitches / Knit a quilt / Learn to knit lace / Knit my own scarf / Knit a pair of slippers / Learn to knit a sweater / Make an infinity scarf / Learn how to knit a sweater / 🧶 Knit a clapotis / Make an ugly sweater / Knit a stuffed animal / 🧦 Knit a sock monkey / Learn how to spin wool / Knit and donate 100 scarves for the homeless / Learn to knit correctly / Make a list of 101 things for my swap / Learn to finger knit / Create a sock puppet /