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🎤 Go to 5 concerts / Attend 5 concerts / Go to five concerts / 🎭 Attend a cultural festival / 🎭 Go to Edinburgh Festival SCOTLAND / Go see live music once a month / 🌳 Explore Vondelpark in the summer NETHERLANDS / 🤠 Go to the Tamworth Country Music Festival AUSTRALIA / See Garth Brooks in concert / Attend the Borders Book Festival SCOTLAND / Enjoy classical music at one of Prague's concert halls or outdoor theatres CZECH REPUBLIC / Attend the Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco CALIFORNIA / 🎵 Attend the Cheltenham Jazz Festival ENGLAND / Attend Lollapalooza / Attend the Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival in March in Nashville TENNESSEE / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (Brasilia) BRAZIL / Visit Centro Cultural Banco Do Brasil (São Paulo) BRAZIL / Attend the Portland Rose Festival OREGON / Attend the Carrick Water Music Festival IRELAND / See a show at Madison Square Garden / Attend the Klaipėda Sea Festival LITHUANIA / Attend the Yogya Arts Festival INDONESIA / Attend an art and food fiesta in San Miguel de Allende MEXICO / Participate in the Teuila Festival SAMOA / Visit a dueling piano bar / Visit Riverbank State Park NEW YORK / Go the Ellen show / Attend the Flag Day festivities AMERICAN SAMOA / Attend the Moab Music Festival UTAH / Attend the Whole Enchilada Fiesta NEW MEXICO / Attend the Oklahoma Azalea Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Honobia Bigfoot Fall Festival OKLAHOMA / Attend the Poteau Balloonfest OKLAHOMA / Attend the Gibraltar Music Festival GIBRALTAR / Participate in the Winter Festival in Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA / Attend the Dubai International Jazz Festival UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Attend the Santa Fe Jazz and International Music Festival NEW MEXICO / Attend the Neshoba County Fair MISSISSIPPI / Attend the Alfredo de Saint Malo Music Festival PANAMA / Participate in the Independence Day festivities BAHRAIN / Attend the Musica Polonica Nova contemporary music festival POLAND /