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🤗 Identify 100 things that make me happy / 🚫 Not log into Facebook for a whole week! / ✨ Make a list of 101 quotes that inspire me / 📝 Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months / 📙 Read a book in a day / Identify 100 things that makes me happy / 🔍 Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia / 📺 Don't watch TV for a week / 🏁 Finish a book in a day / 🎯 Complete 7 goals in a week / 📝 Journal every day for a month / Stay up all night / 📹 Make a video about a typical day of my life / 💻 Buy a new laptop / Read a book in one day / 📝 Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! / Buy a laptop / 💰 Save $5 for every task I complete / 📅 Keep a journal for a year / 💻 Buy a new computer / 📔 Keep a diary for a year / Finish writing another 101 things list by the end of 1001 days / Write a new list for the next 1001 days / 📵 Quit Facebook for a week / 📖 Read a self-help book / Create an inspiration notebook / 👀 Stay awake for 24 hours straight / 🖋️ Complete 25 writing prompts from / Wake up before 9am every day for a week / Save $10 for every task I complete / 📵 Go without Facebook for a week / Inspire someone to make a 101/1001 list / 😴 Stay up for 24 hours straight / 🏃♀️ Wake up early every day for 5 days and go for a run / Learn to touch type / 💭 Write in a journal every day for a month / 📚 Read a book a month for a year / Update my blog at least once a week / Learn speed reading / Go a day without seeing daylight / 📵 Don't log into Facebook for a week / Read an entire book in one day / Go to bed every night before midnight for an entire month / Not log into Facebook for a week / Double my income / Stop procrastinating / Go to bed before 11pm every night for a week / 📝 Write in a journal every day for a year / 📥 Clean out my email inbox(s) / Blog at least once a week for a year / Own an iPhone / Make a list of 100 things about me / ✍️ Start a journal / Keep a journal for this Day Zero Project / Answer at least one of the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind" every week / Take a photo of each task completed / Read at least one book a month / Go a week without TV / Clean out my inbox / Write another list of 101 things to do for the next 1001 days / Blog at least once a week / Go without TV for a week / Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me / Go for a whole week without using Facebook / Write in my journal at least once a week / Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it / Get a Macbook / Read 12 books in 12 months / Go a week without using the internet / Break a bad habit / Write every day / Read 7 Habits of Highly Effective People / Save £5 for every task I complete / Buy new laptop / Keep a diary for a month / Go to bed before 11pm every night for a month / 💻 Buy an iPad / List 100 things I like about myself / Save $10 for ever task I complete / Watch no TV for a week / Inspire someone to make their own list / Don't watch TV for a week / Send myself an e-mail via / Read all my unread books / 📚 Read three books over one weekend / Make a new 101/1001 list / Don't hit snooze for one whole week / Start a blog or journal / Make my bed every day for a year / Take a photo of each completed item on this list / Get an iPad / Write 1000 words a day for a month / 💪 Finish reading a book in a day / 💻 Buy a Macbook Pro / Go to bed before midnight for a week / Give up coffee for a month / Save $1 for every task completed / Don't watch TV for a month / Motivate someone to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / 🛏️ Make my bed every day for a month / Buy a moleskine / Stay off Facebook for one week / Don't go on Facebook for a week / Read 1 book a month / Don't drink coffee for a week / Learn to speed read / Try to do one creative project every month / Wake up when my alarm clock goes off / Save $1 for each completed task / Go a week without coffee / Save $10 for every task completed / Blog for 7 days in a row / Write one page of my novel every day for a year / Give up coffee for a week / Read one book a week / Save $20 for every task I complete / Quit Facebook for a month / Spend less time fooling around on the net and more time actually working / Make 101 blog entries / Keep a daily journal / Blog every day for a week / Give up Facebook for a month / Start a new hobby / Give up Facebook for a week / Go a day without internet every month for a year / 🎶 Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy / Complete a 30 day challenge every month / Finish all the books I own / Finish my dissertation / Read David Allen's 'Getting Things Done' / Finish reading all the books I own / Don't use Facebook for a week / Quit Facebook / Write one blog post every day for a year / Blog every day for a month / Go for a week without Facebook / Save $100 for every task completed / Make the bed every day for a month / Be more organized / Go for one week without Facebook / Fold a different origami piece once a day for a month / Blog at least twice a week / Get a payrise / Make a journal jar / Complete the 30 day letter challenge / Start studying / Go to bed before midnight for a month / Stop procrastination / Start a side hustle / Write a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days / Be more efficient with time / Buy a new Mac / Build a new computer / Blog at least once a month / Stay up for 24 hours / Start writing every day / Go a day without television every month for a year / Avoid Facebook for a week / Don't take any selfies for a month / Learn how to manage my time / Walk to work / Write every day for a month / Be more punctual / Stop staying up late / Be more disciplined with my goals / Take a new route to work / Find a work-life balance / Stop wasting time / 👀 Stay awake for 48 hours / Stop making excuses / No social media for a week / Be more disciplined / Stop being so lazy and lounging on the couch / Start keeping my room tidy / Be more motivated / Quit caffeine / Be more studious / Take a cold shower to boost mental and physical resilience / Be more organised / Set a timer to focus on a task without distractions / No social media for a month / Wake up an hour earlier than usual / Try bullet journaling / Eat a proper breakfast every day for a week / Stop being so lazy / Listen to 5 audiobooks / Stop being lazy / Attend a motivational seminar / Go a week without social media / Start writing / Start a photography business / Read one non-fiction book a month / Start using the stairs at work all the time / Learn how to touch type / Listen to a podcast every day for a month / Start a daily writing habit / Write 750 words every day for a month / Start writing 750 words a day / Be more hard-working / Make a million dollars / Keep a journal for at least a year / Be more hardworking / Start writing everyday / Read The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin / Go a day without social media / Go without social media for a week / Write a blog post once a week / Stay off social media for a week / 📝 Write down what my ideal day would be and live it / Keep a journal for six months / Spend a week without social media / 📵 Spend 24 hours without my phone / Stop checking facebook every 5 minutes / Walk to work every day for a month / Go without Twitter for a week / Quit drinking coffee / Walk to work every day for a week / Read a novel in a day / 🛌 Make my bed for a week / Be more awesome / Learn how to make money blogging / Listen to a podcast every week / Clean and put away dishes immediately for a month / Don't sleep for 48 hours / Go to bed at 10 every night for a week / Don't drink coffee for one week / 👋 Give up facebook for one week / Give up Instagram for a week / Don't use social media for a week / 👀 Stay awake for at least 24 hours straight / Avoid social media for a week / Make a blog post everyday for a whole month / Stay up 24 hours straight / Roast coffee beans / Blog at least once a day for a month / Become a polyphasic sleeper / Try polyphasic sleeping / Be more industrious / Stop complaining about doing things around the house / Complete a 52 Weeks Of Gratitude Challenge / Create list of 52 Things to do in 52 Weeks / Get up at 5:00 AM for 30 days / Stop complaining for a month / Start a journal & write every day for 1 month / Start going to bed before 12 am / Actually complete my to do list / Don't use Facebook for one week / Don't use Twitter for one week / Limit exposure to negative news and social media / Stop drinking too much coffee at work / Participate in Take Your Dog to Work Day / Put my household binder together / Type 90 wpm with accuracy on the finished product / Own an hp laptop / Have someone follow me on Bucketlist / Learn how to clean effectively & efficiently / Maintain goal lists / Clean out a kitchen junk drawer /