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🚚 Move out of my parent's house / 🤗 Make a list of 25 things I like about myself / 🐶 Get a pet / Move out of home / Make a list of my 25 best qualities / Stop procrastinating / 🕯 Visit Auschwitz POLAND / Adopt a child / Write a letter to my future children / Be on time to work every day for a month / Send a card/gift/flowers to Mum just because / List 100 things I like about myself / Live by myself for a year / Write a list of guidelines to live by / Live on my own / Plant a tree for each of my children / Help build a Habitat for Humanity home / Write a personal creed / Graduate from high school / Don't gossip for a week / Visit a concentration camp / Stop talking about people behind their back / Be more punctual / Be more proactive / Stop making excuses / Be more disciplined / Walk the dogs every day for a month / Stop complaining / Plan and build a garden for the kids / Be more hard-working / Be more hardworking / Start acting and not reacting / Write a family mission statement / Teach a dog a trick / Live in Alaska / Show up for work at least 10 minutes early for a week / Clean and put away dishes immediately for a month / Roast coffee beans / Teach my kids how to cook, bake, do laundry and basic life & survival skills / Be a Godparent / Stop complaining about doing things around the house / Start visiting my mum at least once a month / Develop a family mission statement / Become an Eagle Scout / Be the sheriff of a small town / Have a grandchild /