Elisha Dasenbrock
Chicago, IL (also Jamestown, IL)
Small town girl with a streak for adventure and a bit of hell-raising from time to time. I have 2 dogs and I love to paint. I also have a mean Super Mario Bro. thumb and a soft spot for The Sims.

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08 Apr, 12
Added the following to list 101 Things in 1001 Days:
Go to a St. Louis life drawing group
, Save $1000 for an emergency fund
, Become a member of the St. Louis Watercolor Society
, Have a garage sale
...and 3 other goals.
08 Apr, 12
Marked goal Lose 50 lbs as in progress
08 Apr, 12
Marked goal Establish an emergency fund as in progress
May 06, 2011 - Jan 31, 2014
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!