A goal of Karen Sanders on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.
18th Oct: good drink and fabby night out with my yum mums who id missed loads!
Posted 11 years ago
Related Notes:
2nd Nov: had a fun night in with all my yum mums at Michelles
1st Nov: met baby Caelan and he was gorgeous!
15th Sept: Jo gave birth to a healthy, gorgeous baby boy
16th Sept saw lots of pics of my friend Jo's new baby boy
17th Sept: Stella the dog ran and launched herself into my arms after being out all day!
18th Sept: noticed that my 6wk old niece True smiles and seems soothed when i talk to her. Shes now focusing and responding to voices she recognises

My cheeky Summer sunshine
19th Sept: Spent lots of lovely time playing with my Summer sunshine