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Synia Forsyte
Member since September 2010
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7 Things Challenge
The 7 Things Challenge is Day Zero Project's alternative to boring New Years' resolutions. We give you seven prompts to get you thinking about what you want to achieve in the next year.
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2013

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to play the violin
  2. Start working out
  3. Stop smoking
  4. Take a vacation to Arizona and New Mexico
  5. Find a friend
  6. Try wine tasting
  7. Be more brave
The 7 Things Challenge:
7 Things x 2013

My seven answers to the Day Zero alternative New Year's resolutions poll:
  1. Learn how to play the violin
  2. Start hiking
  3. Stop running with scissors
  4. Take a vacation to the Carribean
  5. Find a new favorite band
  6. Try French toast with bacon
  7. Be more creative