Henrietta Pihlaja
Member since October 2012

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15 Jul, 13
Added the following to list 101 Things in 1001 Days:
Go to a hairdresser
, Do make-up, hair, nails or something to someone else and get paid
, Play one video game from the start to the end by yourself
, Play one video game trough
...and 4 other goals.
15 Jul, 13
Marked goal Go to a concert in another country as in progress
15 Jul, 13
Added the following to list 101 Things in 1001 Days:
Quit smoking
, Make christmas food yourself, at least one
, Go to a concert in another country
, Live without chocolate for 2 weeks
...and 2 other goals.
Oct 07, 2012 - Jul 05, 2015
Goals with no specified timetime
Goals completed!