A goal of Enid on their 101 Things in 1001 Days list with a status of In Progress.

June 2011: Plaza with Neil to see Bridesmaids
July 2011: Liverpool One Odeon Harry Potter with Mum.
July 2011: Liverpool One Odeon Harry Potter with Iona & Louise
August 2011: Plaza with Emma to see The Smurfs.
October 2011: Liverpool One Odeon The Help with James, Jen & Mum
November 2011: Odeon Switch Island Tintin with Mum & Dad
May 2012: MIB3 with Neil
June 2012: Rock of Ages with Emma
July 2011: Liverpool One Odeon Harry Potter with Mum.
July 2011: Liverpool One Odeon Harry Potter with Iona & Louise
August 2011: Plaza with Emma to see The Smurfs.
October 2011: Liverpool One Odeon The Help with James, Jen & Mum
November 2011: Odeon Switch Island Tintin with Mum & Dad
May 2012: MIB3 with Neil
June 2012: Rock of Ages with Emma
Posted 12 years ago