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Member since December 2009
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Notes & Photos
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If you're reading my notes, go visit: afrodollhouse.com
12/22/09 - Finally able to go to the school and get my application fiasco taken care off and I registered for my first class. Not the one I was thinking, but it's one that I need.

5/27/10 - I got an A in the first class I took. I was going to take a class during the summer, but I can't make it fit into my schedule, so I'm waiting on the Fall schedule to come out so I can take my second and maybe third class.
12/21/09 - Picked out a belly dancing class, but it doesn't start until 1/29/10.

4/9/10 - Didn't participate in class because I started working on my AGDT certificate. Maybe I can find one to take for the summer.
Planning to do this after we come back from vacation.
11/7/10 - Thinking about getting one for my 26th.
5/27/10 - Working on the design. Has to have meaning.
6/25/10 - Got some of my parents old patio furniture. Looking into some plants next.
I adopted two kittens named Hank and Evan on September 11, 2010.
5/27/10 - Going to see La Roux on 6/1 at the House of Blues.
I paid for breakfast on Mother's and Father's Day.
I'm going to apply for the Care Credit in January, so I can get veneers.
4/9/10 - Family vacation is supposed to be in June.
5/27/10 - Family vacation is booked. We are leaving June 14.
4/9/10 - We're supposed to be taking on for our family vacation in June. Let's see how things progress.
One down, one to go.
Going to start this on for the month of February.
I'm currently saving $25 from the middle of the month paycheck. In March, I'm going to start doing $25 from each paycheck.