A goal of Blondie3007 on their Done list with a status of Done.

I'm beginning this task tonight, meaning I will be able to log into Facebook again at 8pm on Friday 26th August. I have disabled all notifications to my BlackBerry, and even "hidden" the Facebook app on it so I won't be tempted to look. I haven't written a "I'm not going to be on Facebook for a week so get in touch on such a number...' status, because I think this will work better if people don't know I'm doing it. And if anybody needs to contact me urgently they have my number! Facebook is a major source of procrastination for me, I waste hours upon hours on it so I want to go cold turkey and prove to myself that actually, I can cope without it perfectly well... and then hopefully at the end of the week I won't want to go on it as much. Wish me luck!
Posted 13 years ago