An update from Terra Steinke.
It was actually the 10pm showing. Fiancee convinced the local movie theater to show Good Day To Die Hard the day before Valentine's Day at 10pm since they already had a midnight premiere.
Posted 11 years ago
Related Notes:
Completed 10/6/11
50. 5rabbit - 5vulture
46. Breckenridge - Agave Wheat
47. Rogue - Somer
48. Ska - Modus Hoperandi
49. Abita - Jockamo IPA
45. Great Lakes - Nosferatu
42. Half Acre - Daisy Cutter
43. Dark Horse - Raspberry
44. Dogfish Head - Raison D'Etre
39. New Holland - Dragon's Milk
40. Grand Teton - Black Cauldron
41. Bear Republic - Hop Rod Rye
33. Boulevard - Bob's 47 Oktoberfest
34. Schlafly - Pumpkin Ale
35. Green Flash - Double Stout
36. McCoy's - IPA
37. Weston - Drop Kick
38. Avery - White Rascal
30. Jolly Pumpkin - Weisen Bam
31. Local Opportunity - Dampf Loc
32. Two Brothers - Cane and Ebel
27. Brooklyn - Brown
28. Left Hand Brewing - Amber Pale Ale
29. Three Floyds - Alpha King
23. Great Divide - Chocolate Oak-Aged Yeti Imperial Stout
24. Summit - Oatmeal Stout
25. Surly - Furious
26. Southern Tier - Phin & Matt's Pale Ale
19. Bell's - Oberon (this was really 18.)
20. O'Fallon - Wheach
21. Harpoon - IPA
22. Goose Island - Sofie
16. Sierra Nevada - Ovila Saison
17. Anchor - Steam
18. Founders - Red's Rye Pale Ale
10. Yuengling - Lager
11. Triumph - Amber Ale
12. Uinta - Wyld American Pale Ale
13. Magic Hat - Hex
14. Red Hook - Pilsner
15. Mission St. - IPA
6. Stone Brewing Company - Arrogant Bastard
7. Captain Lawrence - Pale Ale
8. Sixpoint - Righteous Rye Beer
9. Chelsea Brewing Company - Hop Angel IPA
3. New Belgium - Fat Tire
4. Bent River - Jalepeno
5. Leinenkugel - Sunset Wheat

2. Brewery Ommegang - Three Philosophers Quadrupel
1. North Coast Brewing Co. - Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout