Monday 28th October;
Note that I do not count any band with the word "the" to be the letter T.
And that I will count them even if I have listened to them and don't like them.
I also won't complete this in alphabetical order, I'll just add them up when ever
I listen to a new band.

[??] = I'm not too sure if i like it or if I don't
[++] = I like it!
[XX] = NO! Don't like at all.

A: A Static Lullaby - The shooting star that destroyed us all [??]
B: The black Crowes - Remedy [??]
C: Cheap Trick - I want you to want me) [??]
D: Days Of The New - Enemy [XX]
E: Elvis Costello - Allison [++]
H: Hurt - Rapture [++]
Posted 11 years ago