A goal of Chickpea on their 202 Things in 2002 Days list with a status of In Progress.

1. Paradigm - a typical example or pattern of something.
2. Shilly-shally - indecisive behaviour.
3. Janky - unreliable or of poor quality.
4. Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence.
5. Quango - a non-departmental government body such as the Forestry Commission in England
6. Dulcet - sugary/sweet
7. Dysphoria - state of general unease/dissatisfaction with life
8. Perfidious - deceitful / untrustworthy - just got called this for stealing the last mince pie.
9. Polyglot - speaker/user of many languages
10. Clinquant - glittering/tinsel-like
11. Skueomorph - things that mimic their real world or now-obsolete counterparts, ie, the floppy disc used as the save icon
12. Proboscis - a mammal‘s nose or snout such as an elephant‘s trunk
13. Panacea - a remedy or solution for all difficulties or troubles.
14. Lyssophobia - fear of going insane.
15. Ascetic - people or things that are markedly simple and restrained in appearance, manner or attitude.
2. Shilly-shally - indecisive behaviour.
3. Janky - unreliable or of poor quality.
4. Hubris - excessive pride or self-confidence.
5. Quango - a non-departmental government body such as the Forestry Commission in England
6. Dulcet - sugary/sweet
7. Dysphoria - state of general unease/dissatisfaction with life
8. Perfidious - deceitful / untrustworthy - just got called this for stealing the last mince pie.
9. Polyglot - speaker/user of many languages
10. Clinquant - glittering/tinsel-like
11. Skueomorph - things that mimic their real world or now-obsolete counterparts, ie, the floppy disc used as the save icon
12. Proboscis - a mammal‘s nose or snout such as an elephant‘s trunk
13. Panacea - a remedy or solution for all difficulties or troubles.
14. Lyssophobia - fear of going insane.
15. Ascetic - people or things that are markedly simple and restrained in appearance, manner or attitude.
Posted 4 years ago