A goal of Emma W on their Someday list with a status of Done.
He doesn't believe in left brain/right brain style of thinking
Posted 2 years ago
Related Notes:
He doesn't have a middle name
Supports Mexico and Denmark as national football teams
His first crush was when he was around 12 years old but he says he doesn't remember her name.
When you ask him a question he doesn't give a definitive answer! E.g what's your favourite season, he finds it hard to just give to give answer.
His favourite chocolate is anything milk chocolate
His favourite vegetable is carrot or cucumber, because of the taste but also as you can eat raw and still tastes good
He is not an abstract thinker and prefers logical questions in which you can find the answer
His favourite rom com is "someone marry Barry"
His mother's maiden name (Τσαπανιδου)