Pick one and do it. Bonus if I do more than one.

Do a 30x30 Challenge (30 minutes of physical activity for 30 days)

Do a Couch to 5k running plan

Complete a 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge

Complete a 200 Sit-ups Challenge

Complete a 200 Squats Challenge

Do the 200 squats challenge (www.twohundredsquats.com)

Complete the 100 pushups challenge

Go for a walk every day for a month

Do a 30 miles in 30 days challenge

Complete the 200 Squats challenge

Complete the 150 Dips challenge

Complete the 30 day lunge challenge

Do the 30 day squat challenge

Complete the 30 day squat challenge

Do a 30 day crunch challenge

Do a 30 tricep dip challenge

Complete the 30 tricep dip challenge
Posted 2 months ago